Help us name a Home Assistant installation method (Polls added)

Based on this morning’s data:

Rank Name Total in Category Percentage Votes
1 OS 114 58 66
2 All-in-One 132 44 53
3 Suite 132 37 49
4 Complete 132 25 33
5 One 132 25 33
6 Easy 117 23 27

All-in-One has been pushed on Github, that’s the name it seems.

That is a poor choice in my opinion. Not because it is a bad name, it isn’t, but it is so hard to type correctly and will almost never be used in full.

It will confound searches.

But, it could have been (a lot) worse.

Nope, just changed it again 5mins ago. Home Assistant OS. We now have 2 x Home Assistant OS.

And now it is :wink:

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Home Assistant OS is a combination of Home Assistant OS, Supervisor, add-ons etc… :man_facepalming:

And the winner for Best Picture is … La La Land!
< cheering for La La Land, cast of La La Land takes the stage to accept the Oscar >
Whoops! Nope, it’s Moonlight!
< confused audience + world >

Goodbye Home Assistant AIO, we hardly knew 'ya.
Hello, Home Assistant OS! Your name is awfully familiar, have we met before?


I’m happy about this change. This installation method is 100% hassos - it totally describes it. There is no ambiguity
Home Assistant OS
Home Assistant Supervised
Home Assistant Container
Home Assistant Core
I like it

(I fully expected this choice would get shot down by the devs)

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Hehe, same here after seeing so much lament over ‘product name’ as an ‘install method’. I agree hassos nails it as far as what the name encompasses. Dev’s know what hassos is, and it’s install method regardless of name. Now noobs will be able to get things straight when asking questions.

Just like in January, an existing name has been recycled to serve a new purpose. It caused confusion then and will likely cause confusion again.

The principal difference is that this time the community chose to recycle a name (assuming one can call 66 votes representative of the community). Yay, for us.

Agreed. It clearly distinguishes itself from the other installation methods.

Where it gets messy is when Home Assistant OS describes itself as having an operating system called Home Assistant Operating System.

Screenshot from 2020-06-18 20-25-59

It gives the impression it includes itself.

FWIW, Pascal had advised against using the name Home Assistant OS because it already described the actual operating system. For those who don’t know, pvizeli created and maintains the underlying operating system for and most other parts of it (basically, he invented it).

Looks like he may have to rename the operating system after all.

I don’t see why.

if you install HassOS you have the operating system and Home Assistant. HassOS doesn’t exist in a vacuum - if you have HassOS then you also have Home Assistant. I am not seeing the problem.


By naming this method Home Assistant OS, the method becomes Home Assistant OS that utilizes the Home Assistant OS.

Almost any other name would have been better.

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nope. disagree.

So it doesn’t use the Home Assistant OS as the underlying OS?

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It does of course. But WHY is that confusing to you? if you use HA OS then you have HA OS and Home Assistant - you can’t have HA OS by itself - so what is the big deal? If someone says they are running HA OS then you know EXACTLY and uniquely what they are running and what they have. There is no confusion here.


I’m not confused by it.

Many other names that don’t provide a conflict with an existing name would have done exactly what you have described, “know EXACTLY and uniquely what they are running and what they have”, All-in-One as an example.

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Well as I mentioned previously, all-in-one is a recycled name and I think you will find people still using that one.
In any case there’s nothing wrong with this decision in my opinion. I don’t understand your objection or what you consider to be the downside.

From 2 years ago, and specific to a Pi install from memory. I have not seen that name used on the forums in forever. I can’t remember the last time I have seen it mentioned in a support question, so wouldn’t consider it to cause any confusion.

I already noted that. :arrow_down:

Complete, All-in-One and Suite would all adequately describe the method.

This installation method is not an OS, it uses an OS (with the same name) and many other moving parts.

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yes but that doesn’t make sense to me. All-in-one is a dog’s breakfast of a name as well as being recycled. I did like suite though.

I agree. I wasn’t a fan of AiO either, but to me it’s better than OS. Suite and Complete are good choices.