Help wanted with Binary sensor and Tasmota

I need some help please with a binary position sensor (reed switch) for a gate relay.

I have a Shelley Plus 1 that has been flashed to Tasmota.
I have configured the device and can see the sensor status (open/closed) in the console of the device, this works as planned.
I can see the device and sensor including the correct state in MQTT Explorer and all work as planned
I have installed the Tasmota integration in HA and the device is visible

Unfortunately this is where I have the issue

I can toggle the device to activate the gate as planned
However the sensor is NOT visible and I cannot see the open or closed state of the gate

The entities that I can see are

Last restart time
MQTT connection count
Restart reason
WiFi connection count

The following are are hidden but still accessible

Firmware version
Signal (WiFi signal strength)

I believe I will need to create a template but I cannot find the sensor in the list of entities to reference.

Any help will be greatly appreciated

How are you doing this if you can’t see the state of the entity? :thinking:

Do you have the mqtt integration installed in HA? Monitor the state topic there and see if it shows up.

It’s simply set up as a button press. It has no idea if the door is open or close. It just activates the motor like the dumb button on the remote control

Yes I do have MQTT set up and all the sensors mentioned in my original post appear but not the Reed switch.