Help with a error

Hi guys i’m trying to send a snapshot image that’s already been saved in a local folder.
I’ve been reading quite a few places on what i should use and this seems like it should work but this code is giving a error Expected “,” instead of " but can’t figure out where its wrong.
this code is in the json data box of a call service node using notify domain.

    "title": "Person Detected in front Garden",
    "message": "Who is it",
    "data": {
        "file": {
            "path": "/config/www/image/snapshots/test.jpg",
        "fontsize": "max",
        "duration": 10,
        "transparency": "0%",
        "color": "indigo",
        "position": "center",
        "interrupt": 1

I do have a similar flow that sends a notification to my mobile and that uses this but for some reason the “image” wont work for android tv picture notifications.

  "data": {
        "image": "/local/image/snapshots/{{filename}}.jpg",

Thanks for any help

missing a closing bracket for line 5

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Thanks Kermit that’s great