Help with a large kiosk - control panel 16''/18'' screen

Hey folks,

I am trying to determine what would be my best option for a wall mounted kiosk/control-panel and wonder if you guys have any suggestion.

I am planning to install this in a 18’’ wall cut that is currently used by an old intercom, hence why I am looking for at least 16-18’’ screen size.

The easiest and most common route is to go with a tablet fully kiosk, this way it can act as a digital frame and when the camera detects someone, it shows the Home Assistant dashboard.
Problem is that the largest budget friendly tablet I can find is 12’‘; aliexpress has many 16’’ tablets, but not sure I trust the reviews, unless someone here suggest a specific one.

The other option is to find a touchscreen and slap a raspberry pi with chromium running to install fully kiosk… my dilemma here is that I am not sure what is the best hardware and also not sure if I can get it to work like the tablet (especially with the lack of camera sensor) … would appreciate if someone has done this and if they can share their thought.

In summary, I am looking for :

  • 16’’ screen

  • running fully kiosk
  • act as “photo frame” and a way to detect a person to switch to HA and vice versa

Thanks in advance!

Thought about some refurbished industrial panel PC?

All sizes available, some look just more than OK, capable of a lot of things… You could actually even run the HA server on it…

something like this:

Thanks for the suggestion!
This is a neat device! although I don’t see a camera, so I guess I will have to do some kind of automation with a sensor sitting close by, which is not a big deal.
Aside from the cost, my concern going this route is that I am not sure if this is a 100% working solution, I am also in the US, so delivery will be tricky.
I will keep on the list, thanks again @BebeMischa !

It is just a suggestion about a possible direction. You then have to investigate your local market for something similar, if you decide to go that route. There for sure exist even something like that with built in cam.
And there are cheap ones, expensive ones, weak ones, powerful ones… Well, there definitely exist some with your requested screen size.
You can install Linux on it and do whatever you want with it. :wink:

There’s this but it might be a touch too small for your application:

FWIW, a portable version was used in this project:

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