I am moving at the end of this month. My current internet service provider does not offer service at my new address. So I will be getting a new internet service provider. Therefore all of my IP addresses will be changing. I don’t know everything there is to know about Home Assistant so I’m worried about getting it up and running at the new location. My Home Assistant runs on a Raspberry Pi 4, and I do have a subscription to Nabu Casa, which I’m hoping will help make the move a lot simpler. I’m hoping it’s as simple as turn the Raspberry Pi on at the new address, connect it to the new router, find out what the Raspberry Pi’s new IP address is, then access Home Assistant through Nabu Casa to update the configuration.yaml with my new internal URL. This is my wishful thinking anyway, but I have zero experience with moving Home Assistant to a new location so I could obviously be way off base. I figured I better post it here in case there are any necessary steps that I need to take before I disconnect the Pi from my existing internet network. If anyone could please advise me on how the move to a new location and new ISP process works, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
The IP addresses in your home are dependent whatever provides DHCP, not your ISP. Normally this will be your router. If you get a new router for whatever reason, it may use a different subnet, however this can be changed in the router settings. Once adjusted, and on the assumption that you’ve given HA a static IP address (through YAML or Settings > System > Network > Configure network interfaces) it will not change. However, even if HA’s IP address changes, you should still be able to access it through “http://homeassistant.local:8123/”.
The only IP address that will definitely change is your public IP, but this will be dealt with by Nabu Casa.
Here in Australia we have a network-supplied box (from NBN) that remains in the house if you leave, but your own router is then plugged into that - so on moving house we take the router and plug it into a new NBN box. Therefore you get the same network by default. Is it different in the US?
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Thank you very much for your response. So it sounds like I don’t have a whole lot to worry about. In the United States it is different for many of us. Here almost every internet service provider “rents” us a modem and a router. They usually charge less than $10 per month for the router so almost nobody complains and they use the router provided by the internet company. Almost nobody here owns their own router unless they are relatively tech savvy and want the freedom of owning their own much like you described. I do own a Netgear Nighthawk router. Originallly I did hook it up as the primary router. But I had a lot of problems with my internet going out and my internet provider blaming my router so I started to use their router as the primary then I added mine to it just as an additional access point. I have never changed a subnet on a router before, is it a pretty simple process? And I’m really glad you reminded me of “http://homeassistant.local:8123/”. I completely forgot about it because a long time ago my Home Assistant instance would not connect using that address. I panicked at first but then someone taught me to use ipaddress:8123 and I’ve done it that way ever since.
I suppose it’s possible if you’re renting the router that they may have locked you out of administering some/all of it.
If you use a browser to go to its IP address (which is probably x.x.x.1, eg you should see the admin interface after logging in. These days the user & password is often printed on the bottom/back of the router, but you might have to google the details.
From there, every router is different, but it’s probably under something like “lan setup”. For my (old) netgear modem it looks like this under Advanced > Setup > LAN Setup:
So if your current router shows but your new one shows (or etc), you can edit, save and reboot the router.
Good luck!