It only triggers when the change from the old to the new value crosses one of the thresholds. So if you temperature is 50 and changes to 55, it doesn’t trigger wheras if your temperature is 48 and changes to 55 it triggers (above threshold crossed) or it is 92 and changes to 88 (below threshold crossed).
See the explanation here in the docs.
No, I assume the old state was within the thresholds and the new state was also within the thresholds. And the trigger only fires when a threshold has been crossed.
I had a similar challenge on something. The way I worked around that was to also include the time within the trigger, maybe something like this (not tested!):
This way when the temp moves into the range (trigger), and the time condition passes (the new condition of temp will also pass as that triggered it!) your good. Secondly, when 08:01 comes around and it triggers, if the temp is within the range it should also trigger (even if the temp was within the range previously).
Not tested but a similar thing to what I had to do to meet a similar problem.
Can you please exactly explain when your automation should trigger?
With @woodmj74’s suggestion you will just have an additional trigger at 8:01, but otherwise nothing changes. It will still only trigger at 8:01 and whenever the state was outside the boundaries (below 49 or above 90) and changes to a state inside the boundaries (49 < state < 90).
Ah, I may have misread the problem…I thought it was when 08:01 came around and the state was already within the range (49 < state < 90) it didn’t trigger (and had been in that range from before 08:01 until 10:07 when it was checked manually)
Sorry guyz with late reply, it seems after removing the above or below on off or on its working.
So i thout its like programing language below 10 and above 0 0<x<10
But no, now its working, i hope it will further
Yeah, not working again…
i gues its already above the state and it just did’nt trigger, i wonder how other people have automation working, i’m missing something