I currently have an ESPHOME divice, battery powered, that I want to turn off based on a Mqtt command, the problem is that I can’t get, because I don’t know how, to turn of when all the values are sent and not just one.
I want to send the MQTT command once home assistant receives the THREE values, not just one. This must be done via conditions, but don’t know how to enter a condition as such as “being updated in the last 20 seconds”
Code here;
id: '16186466'
alias: Apagar pool temp after data received
description: ''
- platform: mqtt
topic: /poolthermometer/sensor/bateria_/state
- platform: mqtt
topic: /poolthermometer/sensor/bateria_v/state
- platform: mqtt
topic: /poolthermometer/sensor/pool_temperature/state
condition: []
- service: mqtt.publish
payload: 'ON'
topic: poolthermometer/sleep_mode
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 10
milliseconds: 0
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: poolthermometer/sleep_mode
payload: 'OFF'
mode: single