Help with automation for ios notification

HI guys, hope someone can help :slight_smile:

I am trying to do my first automation so I can press a button in the ios notification and have my gates open!

Have enclosed appropriate section of my config - anyone got any ideas? My Open Gates button appears but it doesnt do anything :frowning:

#Enable IOS Component
- name: Open Gate
identifier: ‘gate’
- identifier: ‘OPEN_GATE’
title: ‘Open Gates’
activationMode: ‘background’
authenticationRequired: no
destructive: yes
behavior: ‘default’


  • alias: Open the gates
    platform: event
    event_type: ios.notification_action_fired
    actionName: OPEN_GATE
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.open_gates

and the switch details from that bit of the config


  • platform: mqtt
    name: Open Gates
    state_topic: “comfort2/response32”
    command_topic: “comfort2/response32/set”
    availability_topic: “comfort2/alarm/online”
    payload_on: “1”
    payload_off: “0”
    payload_available: “1”
    payload_not_available: “0”

Thanks in advance!

so I foolishly referenced automation: twice in my config file and didn’t find it until I turned logging on!

learning from your own mistakes is slow but one of the best ways to learn. Watch out for missing spaces, colons, quotations when writing in YAML. Just remember to make small changes and test, so that when things stop working, you can narrow down the source of the issue. Good luck!