Help with Automation testing OR condition


I’m trying to manage the OR condition,
I have 2 conditions that I would like to manage in this way:

OFF-OFF → Execute Action
OFF-ON → Stop
ON-OFF → Stop
ON-ON → Stop

but with my actual configuration the ON-OFF condition is true all the time because one of the two condition is true


condition: or
  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.sprinkler_control_rain_sensor
    state: "off"
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.sprinklerbutton
    state: "off"

I started to try complicated things with IF/ELSE or CHOICE, but it becomes complex and crazy :frowning:

any idea to make it simple?


just use the and condition… Both need to be off to execute, that’s a is off and b is off.

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Sooooo easy!!!
Thanky @petro