Help with average indoor temperature sensor

I have many sensors that report temperature, but some go to sleep or are slow to update. I’d like to take all of the sensors that have updated within a certain period (ie last hour) and only average those.

So far I have a script averaging all online temperature sensors and reporting back how many it counted. I can get last_changed from the state of the sensor, but how can I compare it to current time?

tempEntities = ["sensor.entry_temperature","sensor.kitchen_temperature", "sensor.etc"]
sensorsTotal = len(tempEntities)
tempsCounted = 0
tempsTotal = 0

# look up each entity_id
for entity_id in tempEntities:
  # copy it's state
  state = hass.states.get(entity_id)

  # If not None, add up and increase counter
  if state.state is not 'unknown':
     tempsCounted = tempsCounted + 1
     tempsTotal = tempsTotal + int(float(state.state))

# Get average
averageTemp = tempsTotal / tempsCounted

hass.states.set('sensor.average_indoor_temp', averageTemp, {
    'unit_of_measurement': '°F',
    'friendly_name': 'Indoor Temp',
    'icon': 'mdi:thermometer',
    'temps_counted': tempsCounted,
    'temps_total': sensorsTotal
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How are you deciding when to take a reading?

Any time a sensor updates, rate limited by 5 minutes

- alias: 'Update Average Indoor Temperature'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.1, sensor.2, sensor.etc
    - service: automation.turn_off
      entity_id: automation.update_average_indoor_temperature

    - service: python_script.average_temp

    # Rate limit
    - delay:
        minutes: 5
    - service: automation.turn_on
      entity_id: automation.update_average_indoor_temperature

Maybe I don’t understand what you are trying to do, but wouldn’t the min/max component do what you want? You can set it to “mean” and get an average of various sensors. I use it to average all of my indoor temperature sensors (which are various sensor types/manf) and I haven’t had any issues.

For time, setup and read the state.

I’m not sure if scripts are good for taking an average over an hour, perhaps custom component better for that

It appears you are right, I was not aware of the min/max sensor, and it does almost exactly what I was trying to accomplish here. The statistics component will also calculate the mean.

I did get some python guidance elsewhere and will redo my script as a programming exercise, I’ll post it when I get around to it