Really struggling with something that should be so basic. Trying to do an automation with an input boolean. I have fiddled around with this for hours, if my trigger is for any change to the input_boolean then this action works (i.e. remove state:‘on’ from code below). But if I try to make it trigger on a specific state change say to ‘on’ as in the code below, it never triggers. I have tried using may formats. expressing it as a from and to, or just a to, or using on vs ‘on’ and it just is never triggered. Using latest version of HA, running on a synology NAS, python 3.5.
alias: Control Air Conditioner
platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.airconliving
state: ‘on’
service: input_boolean.turn_on
entity_id: input_boolean.debughelp
apologies for format, not sure how to get indents going…