Help with Binary Sensor filter param - delayed_on_off

I have GPIO5 in ESPHome that I want to use as a heatbeat signal (auger_output_to_optoisolator) for another binary sensor (dev_auger_heartbeat). If I dont see the GPIO5 signal change in 10 seconds, I want the binary sensor to turn on indicating I’ve lost hearbeat. I thought I could do this inside the binary sensor w/ delayed_on_off and a lambda.
Nothing happens even though I have no change in GPIO5 after 10 or more seconds.

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO5
    name: "esph House AugerOut to optoisolator +LED"
    id: auger_output_to_optoisolator
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: dev_auger_heartbeat
    name: "dev_auger_heartbeat"
    #internal: true 
    entity_id: input_boolean.dev_auger_heartbeat
      - delayed_on_off: 10s
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(auger_output_to_optoisolator)) {
            return x;
          } else {
            return {};

am I using this filter incorrectly or assuming it operates in a different way?

You are using it the wrong way, filters will only trigger when the value changes, if the value doesn’t change none of your code will execute.

Maybe use time: on_time: to check if state has changed every 10 seconds? There may be some cleverer way to do it though.

Interesting. I’ll look into the time: function. that might work. Folks must have set up hearbeat monitors in ESPHome before??

How come you aren’t just using a ESPHome template binary sensor that points straight at auger_output_to_optoisolator?

I think your approach should work if you do that.

Why bring in a HA sensor into it?

Because I gave up after spending a day+ trying to figure it out…

This is what I’m trying to monitor

        - if:
              - lambda: return id(p5flag); #All conditions met and P5flag == true.  
              - logger.log: "script.check.p5flag | P5FLAG tests TRUE. Modified P5 running" 
              - switch.turn_on: auger_output_to_optoisolator    
              - delay: !lambda "return id(auger_on_timez).state * 1000;"
              - logger.log: "script.newP5 active. Auger ON" 
              - switch.turn_off: auger_output_to_optoisolator  
              - delay: !lambda "return id(auger_off_timez).state * 1000;"
              - logger.log: "script.newP5 active. Auger OFF"

If I stop getting on/off signals from auger_output_to_optoisolator for like 30 seconds I want to reboot the ESP (that’s the easy part)

EDIT: I tried the time: function. It works.

  - platform: sntp
      # Every 10 seconds
      - seconds: /20
          - logger.log: "time.on_time triggered after 20s" 
          - if:
                lambda: return !id(heartbeat_flag);
                - logger.log: "**********Heartbeat flag not set REBOOTING *********************"
                - globals.set:
                    id: heartbeat_flag
                    value: 'false'      
                - logger.log: "heartbeat flag set to FALSE" 
                - delay: !lambda "return id(auger_off_timez).state * 1000 +5000;"   #take into account Auger off time+ 5s 