I’m trying to create a template sensor to track my pool heater usage. The problem I have is the two states are heat and off. There is no heating state so if i have the pool set to heat, but it isn’t heating because its already at the desired heat temperature, it will still report as heat. This is a gist of what I want to accomplish.
If pool heat = heat
Pool temp < Pool heat set point
then template sensor = on
If pool heat = heat & pool temp> pool heat set point
or pool heat = off
then template sensor = off
more details below
if pentair/heater/pool/mode/state (climate.pool_heat) (data.state) = “heat”
& pentair/pooltemp/state (climate.pool_heat) (data.attributes.current_temperature) < pentair/heater/pool/setpoint/state (climate.pool_heat) (data.attributes.temperature)
turn on switch
if pentair/heater/pool/mode/state (climate.pool_heat) (data.state) = heat
& pentair/pooltemp/state (climate.pool_heat) (data.attributes.current_temperature) > pentair/heater/pool/setpoint/state (climate.pool_heat) (data.attributes.temperature)
pentair/heater/pool/mode/state (climate.pool_heat) (data.state) = off