I’m pretty sure it’s the binary sensor, as the “esp32_ble_tracker” is installed on other m5 atom lite units in my house. This is my first encounter with the binary sensor using ble_presence platform.
I don’t think you need to make a sensor. As HA gets pings from BLE devices routed by your ESPHome devices, device trackers should automatically be added to your HA.
Part of the reason I was doing it this way was that when I last tried adding ble devices, I ended up with about, and I kid you not, 8,000 separate devices. That was an estimation based on the 60,000+ lines of code added to known devices. So I was hoping to avoid that and create the sensor explicitly.
That’s exactly why I mentioned turning off that setting.
The BLE tracker integration in a urban /suburban environment… Wow. I had 12000 (literally) listings in a week. In my case I just rolled back to a previous backup and sacrificed the week of stats. When I installed the integration again, IMMEDIATELY turned off ‘allow new entities’
Now I turn it on when I’m trying to find a device (like wife’s bicycle cadence sensor) and as soon as it shows up I turn it off - similar to pairing a ZWave or Zigbee device.