Help with Boolean OR operator

I am trying to create template sensor using an OR operator and my template does not work as I think it should

{{((states('binary_sensor.door_sensor_laundry')) or (states('input_text.front_door_status') !='Locked- (Manual)'))}} 

while testing individual values, the first value returns off and the second returns ‘True’

I was expecting the whole template with OR to return True (or ON), but in my case it returns ‘off’

Can someone point me to what I am doing wrong?

I changed it to this:

{{ is_state('binary_sensor.door_sensor_laundry','on') or not is_state('input_text.front_door_status','Locked- (Manual)')

What does

{{ states('input_text.front_door_status') }}
{{ states('binary_sensor.door_sensor_laundry') }}

return in the developer tab?

Your ‘states(‘binary_sensor.door_sensor_laundry’)’ won’t return a boolean. Its returning a string of off/on. Use is_state to get a boolean.

Here’s an example:

{% if states('binary_sensor.door_sensor_laundry') %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.door_sensor_laundry','on') %}
{% endif %}

Notice that returns yes regardless. It has a value. While the second is off when the door is closed.