Help With Card-Mod

I know its me… its always me…

In the instructions it says Install card-mod.js as a module

I cannot find anything about installing modules…

  1. I downloaded the files from github
  2. created a “plugins” folder under config/www
  3. Using Samba I moved the files from the “src” folder into the folder www/config/plugins
  4. From the UI …I edited my config by adding the lines
  - type: module
    url: /local/plugins/card-mod.js?v=1

Changing the -Type from “js” in the example to module… and renaming the card-modder (as shown in the example ) to card-mod… since there was no file in the distro with that name
5. Ive rebooted twice
6. I created a test card using … as teh card definition

      - entities:
          - entity: switch.honeywell3
        style: |
          ha-card {
            color: red;
        type: entities

and the text is not changing color…

What did I do wrong

  1. If you did what you said, you did it correctly: I.E. actual location of file: www/config/plugins
  - type: module
    url: /local/plugins/card-mod.js?v=1
  1. You don’t ever need to reboot with lovelace. Ever.
  2. Your style looks correct.

So, with all that being said, did you refresh the page and cache? CTRL+F5 will do that.

Edit: This is the property I use to change the text color

        style: |
          ha-card { --primary-text-color: red; }

Sometimes I hate HA…
So to you syntax and pasted it in… I’m getting the same behavior with a warning that "Expected a value of type undefined for style but received "".
East Patio - East Light

the quotes are from the editor… not me… without the quotes the warning is the same

missing the pipe. |

Nope… I tried it with the Pipe too! then I close the dialog… and ten re-open and I getCapture

You may not be able to use this card in the editor. I wouldn’t know because I don’t use the editor.

I think I may have the answer… does this tool require card-tools?

Because Ive not installed that… the ReadMe says that we should use “Card-Mod” because card-modder is deprecated… which does not mention the need for “Card-Tools” to be installed

No thats card-modder, not to be confused with card-mod. Card-modder is old, no longer used. It’s the predecessor to card-mod.

I’m fairly sure you can’t use this inside the UI. The ui is screwing up the quotes based on the colon. The stuff inside the curly brackets is JavaScript. I don’t believe the UI can handle it. You most likely need to move to YAML mode if you want to use card-mod.

Most likely the case… I’ll check on how to proceed in that direction…

Thanks for your insight and time

Or use raw editor. I was using it with storage mode with no problem (apart from it not doing what I wanted it to do)

I’m taking a stab in the dark. I don’t use the UI, so i’m making an assumption based on what the UI is looking for.

Yep… I opened it all up using the Raw Editor… made my corrections… same behavior…

Think I’ll try removing it and reinstalling…

can you post your raw yaml?


Here’s the first View… My testing page… where Im playing around is the last view… down at the bottom.

I’m in the process of provisioning devices… so its king of a mis-mash

  - type: module
   #After Post Edit.... the line below was pasted in incorrectly the line 
   # following is the actual line
   # url: /local/lovelace-card-modder/card-modder.js?v=1
    url: /local/plugins/card-mod.js?v=1 # the actual line
title: WeNoGottaRancho
  - background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/night.jpeg") fixed
    badges: []
      - entity: weather.wenogottarancho
        name: Local Weather Escondido
        type: weather-forecast
      - entities:
          - device_tracker.life360_aaron_pitts
          - device_tracker.life360_shannon_roux_pitts
          - device_tracker.life360_poncho
        show_header_toggle: false
        theme: Backend-selected
        title: Who's Home
        type: entities
      - entity: sensor.family_room_sensor_temperature
        max: 90
        min: 0
        name: Family Room Temp
          green: 72
          red: 90
          yellow: 77.5
        theme: Backend-selected
        type: gauge
        unit: deg
      - entity: sensor.hallway_thermostat_temperature
        max: 90
        min: 0
        name: East Wing
          green: 72
          red: 100
          yellow: 77.5
        theme: Backend-selected
        type: gauge
        unit: deg
      - cards:
          - aspect_ratio: 16x9
            camera_view: live
            entity: camera.east_patio
            show_state: false
            type: picture-entity
          - aspect_ratio: 16x9
            camera_view: live
            entity: camera.west_patio
            show_state: false
            type: picture-entity
          - aspect_ratio: 16x9
            camera_view: live
            entity: camera.front_door
            show_state: false
            type: picture-entity
        type: horizontal-stack
    path: default_view
    title: Home
  - badges: []
      - aspect_ratio: 16x9
        camera_view: live
        entity: camera.east_patio
        show_state: false
        type: picture-entity
      - camera_view: live
        entity: camera.west_patio
        type: picture-entity
      - aspect_ratio: 16x9
        camera_view: live
        entity: camera.front_door
        show_state: false
        type: picture-entity
    path: cctv
    title: CCTV
  - badges: []
      - entities:
          - entity: automation.auto_office_lights_on
            name: Run On Automation
          - entity: automation.auto_office_lights_off
            name: Run Off Automation
          - entity: binary_sensor.ecolink_motion_detector_sensor
          - entity: sensor.ecolink_motion_detector_burglar
        title: Office Lights - Automation
        type: entities
      - entity: switch.leviton1
          action: toggle
        icon: 'mdi:power'
        icon_height: 100px
        name: Office East Wall Lights
        show_icon: true
        show_name: true
          action: toggle
        theme: Backend-selected
        type: entity-button
    panel: false
    path: office
    title: Office
  - badges: []
      - cards:
          - entity: climate.family_room_thermostat
            type: thermostat
          - entity: climate.hallway_thermostat
            type: thermostat
        type: horizontal-stack
      - entities:
          - entity: automation.family_room_thermostat_to_auto_at_2pm
          - entity: automation.hallway_thermostat_to_auto_at_2pm
        show_header_toggle: true
        theme: Backend-selected
        title: Climate Automation
        type: entities
    icon: ''
    panel: false
    path: interior-climate
    theme: Backend-selected
    title: Indoor Climate
  - badges: []
      - entities:
          - entity: switch.honeywell3
          - entity: switch.honeywell1
        title: East Patio Lights
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: automation.auto_east_patio_lights_on
          - entity: automation.auto_east_patio_lights_off
          - entity: binary_sensor.ecolink_motion_detector_sensor_2
          - entity: sensor.ecolink_motion_detector_burglar_2
        title: East Patio Lights - Automation
        type: entities
      - aspect_ratio: 16x9
        camera_view: live
        entity: camera.east_patio
        show_state: false
        type: picture-entity
      - entity: group.east_patio_lights
          action: none
        icon_height: 85px
        name: East Patio Lights
        show_icon: true
        show_name: true
          action: toggle
        type: entity-button
    path: east-patio
    title: East Patio
  - background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/night.jpeg") fixed
    badges: []
    camera_view: live
      - aspect_ratio: 16x9
        camera_view: live
        entity: camera.west_patio
        show_state: false
        type: picture-entity
    entity: camera.front_door
    icon: ''
    panel: false
    path: patios
    title: West Patio
    type: picture-entity
  - badges: []
      - entities:
          - entity: switch.sonoff_7935
          - entity: switch.sonoff_7932
          - entity: switch.leviton1
          - entity: switch.leviton2
          - entity: switch.honeywell3
          - entity: switch.honeywell1
          - entity: switch.shelly_shsw_1_b9f4d3
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Switches
        type: entities
    path: switches
    title: Switches
  - badges: []
      - entities:
          - entity: automation.announce_shannons_home
          - entity: automation.announce_aarons_home
          - entity: automation.announce_devins_home
          - entity: automation.turn_mb_tv_on
          - entity: automation.auto_office_lights_on
          - entity: automation.auto_office_lights_off
          - entity: script.1565966345026
          - entity: script.water_timer_backyard
          - entity: script.water_timer_frontyard
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: 'WeNoGottaRancho Automations '
        type: entities
    path: all-automations
    title: Active Automatons & Scripts
  - badges: []
      - aspect_ratio: 16x9
        camera_view: live
        entity: camera.front_door
        show_name: true
        show_state: false
        type: picture-entity
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.family_room_sensor_temperature
          - entity: binary_sensor.family_room_sensor_occupancy
          - entity: binary_sensor.master_bedroom_sensor_occupancy
          - entity: media_player.this_device
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Just a test
        type: entities
      - detail: 11
        entity: sensor.master_bedroom_sensor_temperature
        graph: line
        hours_to_show: 1
        name: Master Bedroom  Temp
        theme: Backend-selected
        type: sensor
        unit: deg
      - entity: switch.honeywell3
          'off': /local/DaLightOff.jpg
          'on': /local/DaLight.jpg
          action: toggle
        type: picture-entity
      - elements:
          - entity: switch.honeywell3
              'off': /local/DaLightOff.jpg
              'on': /local/DaLight.jpg
              border: 2px solid white
              border-radius: 10%
              left: 25%
              top: 40%
              width: 35%
              action: toggle
            title: East Light
            type: image
          - entity: switch.honeywell1
              'off': /local/DaLightOff.jpg
              'on': /local/DaLight.jpg
              border: 2px solid white
              border-radius: 10%
              left: 65%
              top: 40%
              width: 35%
              action: toggle
            title: West Light
            type: image
        image: /local/night.jpeg
        title: East Patio Lights East / West
        type: picture-elements
      - entities:
          - entity: switch.honeywell3
        style: ''
        'ha-card { --primary-text-color''': 'red; }'
        type: entities
    path: testing
    theme: Backend-selected
    title: Testing

well you have the wrong one installed. You need to have card-mod installed. Style: only works on card-mod. Card-modder is a completely different configuration.

Sorry that was a mistake and a copy and paste from my earlier attempt…
I do have “Card-Mod” installed… screen cap from IDE tool
and then in my “Raw” config… I am pointing at it

Edit *****
So I’m thinking that the UI editor is parsing incorrectly because when I go into the RAW editor I type in

 - entities:
      - entity: switch.honeywell3
 style:  |
        ha-card { --primary-text-color: red; }
        type: entities
   path: testing

and the RAW editor changes it to whats below

 - entities:
      - entity: switch.honeywell3
 style: ''
      'ha-card { --primary-text-color': 'red; }'
        type: entities
  path: testing

And now this editor is screwing up the formatted spacing… trust me its correct

So I got it to work… What it took was a deletion of the files that I had installed earlier… and then a re installation.

Again thanks to all that took time to help out… on interesting thing that even in the UI editor it shows tha its having difficulty interpreting the CSS code (The yellow text at the bottom of the editor “Expected Value of Type etc…”)

Not surprised, the UI editor doesn’t handle custom cards well. I’m surprised it even works.

Same error for me. But tried uninstalling, reinstalling and restarted home assistant as well. But no luck

Expected a value of type undefined for style but received "ha-card {\n color: red;\n}\n".

Do you still get the card to appear or is it a red box on the right? Because if it’s like the image above, everything will work. That is a warning not an error.