I have a mini Sonoff DIY and want to add it to Home Assistant.
I did the following:
Flashed it with Tasmota 8.2. (I can access its web page for configuration etc.)
Followed the instructions with the Mosquitto broker from the add-on store, adding it and a user which I entered into the Sonoff. (The log says it has connected to the Sonoff, giving IP address and client name.)
The MQTT integration appeared and I added that.
This all seems to be fine, but I don’t see the Sonoff device in the Devices or Entities list.
HA responded almost immediately after setting SetOption19 to 1 in the device’s console.
(Also had to set GPIO4 to Switch1 and GPIO12 to Relay1 for the mini).
Now, I can toggle a radio button in Home Assistant and watch text on a web page served from the Sonoff change between “OFF” and “ON”. Endless fun!