Help with conversion fo MQTT topics from Domoticz (for Satel)

Since ETHM-1 controller is around 100 EUR, I am trying to revive my old configuration for Satel alarm via Domoticz that works with old verion of the controller.
I have enabled hierarchical MQTT communication from Domoticz and I am getting topics as follows:

The content of such topic is the message like:

  "Battery": 255,
  "RSSI": 12,
  "description": "",
  "dtype": "General",
  "id": "13",
  "idx": 75,
  "name": "Zone:Name_of_the_endpoint",
  "nvalue": 1,
  "stype": "Alert",
  "svalue1": "1",
  "unit": 1

I need to convert such messages into a binary sensor in HA.

How do I create the sensor for each of the different endpoints reported by such message (from name attribute) and make it react to value of 3 (for nvalue) meaning there is motion detected and 1 for no motion (default state).
Of course, each endpoint has it’s own idx attribute to accompany name.

The rest of the attributes is irrelevant.