Help with CSS - again!

After update to 2021.6 from 2021.5 a couple of lines in my CSS-stylesheet isnt working.

Why isnt this working:

sidebar-background-color: 'center / cover no-repeat url("/local/lovelace/background_19.png") fixed'
or this
app-header-background-color: 'center / cover no-repeat url("/local/lovelace/background_19.png") fixed'

Cant find anything in CHANGES that can explain why this wont work after update.

Thanks in advance.

PLZ! =)

It looks like this now but should have the backgroundpicture.


Help please! =/

Your image has a background picture.

Maybe check Theme Color Chart - My UGLY Theme
I don’t think sidebar-background-color is a thing (anymore?). Probably paper-listbox-background-color.

Thanks. Will check it out.

Can I use a backgroundimage in paper-listbox-background-color?

Didnt work to use backgroundimage as above : ‘center / cover no-repeat url("/local/lovelace/background_19.png") fixed’

Why cant you use background-image?

AND I think there must be a complete list of CSS from HA Team.

It is a thing, it’ll adjust the background color if you use it in your theme. It inherits from paper-list-background-color.

It’s a color CSS style. Not a background css style.

There is not, it’s fragmented across the lovelace codebase.

To be honest, I can’t believe your original code ever worked. The variable name insinuates that it’s a color only and not a full css background object. You can attempt to use sidebar-background or ha-sidebar-background but I doubt it will work.

When inspecting the element, it also looks like card-mod can adjust it. So that might be something that could work.

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I’m sure a lot has changed since I did this one… been a long time.

I did work until version 2021.6… then it stopped…

Well well have to find a another solution or just a color that fits… :thinking: