I’m wondering if anyone can help shed some light on my deepsleep currents. I tried to put a NodeMCU v2/3 into sleep, and it used up 9.55mA no matter whether I fed it via 3.3 or Vcc or USB.
So then I switched to a Wemos D1 Mini. I fed a 3.2v LifePo4 battery through the 3v3 pin. It measured .226 mA, much better. Then I tried a 3.7V LiON battery via the 5v pin, and it measured .171mA in sleep. I thought that would be more since it supposedly goes through the LDO or powers the UART or something if you went via 5v. Also supposedly if you use the 3v3 input it bypasses the LDO. So I would logically conclude to use a 3.7v via the 5V pin from that.
HOWEVER, is it possible that once the LiON drops below whatever LDO threshold is in there it either doesn’t work, or kills it faster? The reason I ask is when I was powering the NodeMCU with the 3.7V LiON it only lasted like a week in deepsleep, but my calculations say it should have been 2 weeks. That got me thinking that this LDO theory was happening there and the battery had more power but it had maybe dropped below the LDO voltage.
Maybe someone know this answer for sure. Thanks.