Help With Detecting Already-On Enbrighten Z-Wave Switch

I’m looking for some help and ideas. I have an Enbrighten Z-Wave switch in a bathroom, connected to an exhaust fan.

I would two things:

  1. Retain local control so HA is not needed for simply turning it on and off.
  2. Pressing the on button (or something similar) while it’s already running turns it off after 20 minutes.

Here’s my current code. The issue I’m running into with HA is that it’s starting the timer when I first turn on the fan, which I’m guessing is because:

  1. The switch immediately turns on.
  2. HA starts the action because of the On press.
  3. HA interrogates the switch and sees that it is on, so it carries on.

Can any of you give me suggestions for how to do what I want?

Here’s the code I currently have, for reference:

alias: "Bathroom Exhaust: 20 Minute Run Timer"
description: ""
  - platform: device
    type: turned_on
    device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
    domain: switch
  - condition: state
    entity_id: switch.in_wall_paddle_switch_qfsw_700s_4
    state: "on"
  - device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    domain: select
    entity_id: c252e9f450e682b0c890d1693c97c4a2
    type: select_option
    option: Green
    alias: Change LED to Green
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 20
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
    domain: switch
  - device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    domain: select
    entity_id: c252e9f450e682b0c890d1693c97c4a2
    type: select_option
    option: White
    alias: Change LED to White
mode: single

This also doesn’t seem to do the trick. I tried to have this trigger on an on-press (works), then two wait-for things (waiting for on and off presses) running in parallel, but instead what happens is:

First on press, fan turns on.

Second on-press, LED turns green, fan turns off after N time. LED silently set back to white. (This is good/as-desired.)

Press on, fan turns on. Press off, fan turns off. Press on again, fan turns on and LED turns green, then fan turns off after N time. (This is not good, it’s as if the wait-for off and stop didn’t stop the whole action; only that branch.)


alias: "Bathroom Exhaust: 20 Minute Run Timer"
description: ""
  - platform: device
    type: turned_on
    device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
    domain: switch
condition: []
  - parallel:
      - alias: Wait for On then Execute
          - wait_for_trigger:
              - platform: device
                type: turned_on
                device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
                entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
                domain: switch
            alias: Wait for On
          - device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
            domain: select
            entity_id: c252e9f450e682b0c890d1693c97c4a2
            type: select_option
            option: Green
            alias: Set LED to Green
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 15
              milliseconds: 0
          - type: turn_off
            device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
            entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
            domain: switch
          - device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
            domain: select
            entity_id: c252e9f450e682b0c890d1693c97c4a2
            type: select_option
            option: White
            alias: Set LED to White
      - alias: Wait for Off then Stop
          - wait_for_trigger:
              - platform: device
                type: turned_off
                device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
                entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
                domain: switch
            alias: Wait for Off
          - stop: Fan turned off.
mode: single

So, here’s how I solved it.

First, it turns out that these switches (Enbrighten 58433) support scene selection via long press, double-click, and triple-click.

Since I was having so many problems detecting a single-click only when on, I changed my automation to start the timer on double-click.

Code for this is as follows. Note that the one second delay between turning off the fan and setting the LED back to White is due to latency in the switch itself. If I don’t do this, the LED on the switch will flash white as the fan is turning off.

alias: "Upstairs Bathroom: Exhaust Fan Timer"
description: ""
  - platform: device
    device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    domain: zwave_js
    type: event.value_notification.central_scene
    property: scene
    property_key: "001"
    endpoint: 0
    command_class: 91
    subtype: Endpoint 0 Scene 001
    value: 3
  - condition: device
    type: is_on
    device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
    domain: switch
  - device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    domain: select
    entity_id: c252e9f450e682b0c890d1693c97c4a2
    type: select_option
    option: Green
    alias: Set LED to Green
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 15
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
    domain: switch
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
      milliseconds: 0
  - device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    domain: select
    entity_id: c252e9f450e682b0c890d1693c97c4a2
    type: select_option
    option: White
    alias: Set LED to White
mode: single

I also used this automation on off-press to stop/start the timer one (if it’s running) to reset it, and reset the LED to white. It only acts if the LED is set to green, using this as an indicator that the timer is still executing. This is to handle if the fan is manually switched off while the timer is counting down:

alias: "Upstairs Bathroom: Reset Exhaust Fan Switch on Manual Off"
description: >-
  Resets the upstairs bathroom exhaust fan LED to white and stops/starts the
  timer automation. Uses the state of the LED (if green) to indicate if timer
  was manually interrupted.
  - platform: device
    type: turned_off
    device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    entity_id: 333e5d5070e291ce16b4cc0c2f53a050
    domain: switch
  - condition: device
    device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    domain: select
    entity_id: c252e9f450e682b0c890d1693c97c4a2
    type: selected_option
    option: Green
  - device_id: ea7e58105c13a179e2392e7a0f5c52d2
    domain: select
    entity_id: c252e9f450e682b0c890d1693c97c4a2
    type: select_option
    option: White
  - service: automation.turn_off
    metadata: {}
      stop_actions: true
      entity_id: automation.bathroom_exhaust_fan_timer
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: automation.turn_on
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      entity_id: automation.bathroom_exhaust_fan_timer
mode: single