Help with device tracker and Owntracks

Anyone got any suggestion how to make owntracks and presence detection more accurate?
Basically I want to trigger an automation when I am entering a Zone
But now it triggers like crazy, many times when I´m in the zone or even when I am far away from it.

Example of setup:

   - name: Home
     latitude: 12345
     longitude: 54321
     radius: 100
     icon: 'mdi:home'

   - name: Grandparents
     latitude: 6789
     longitude: 9876
     radius: 50
     icon: 'mdi:account-multiple'

device tracker:

  - platform: owntracks


alias: Turn on Lamp when entering home
   platform: zone
    entity_id: device_tracker.fre_fre
    zone: zone.home
    event: enter
condition: use_trigger_values
    service: notify.pushbullet
    data: {"message":"Test enter home"}

alias: Granparents
  platform: zone
  entity_id: device_tracker.fre_fre
  zone: zone.grandparents
  event: enter
condition: use_trigger_values
  service: notify.pushbullet
           message: 'Grandparents'
              - 'email/[email protected]'

Example of result in logbook:

I can´t use my router as presence since I want to trigger events when I´m in other zones or 50/100m away from Home zone.

Owntracks is installed on an android LG G3


I have the same problem. I think you can change the accuracy of the GPS in the Owntracks app itself. Other than that, i don’t think you can do much about it.

Ok too bad. I already have “High” on the settings in the app

Hey I think you have android.

Do you use a private broker or a public one?

When you click on the preferences. What does is say under Connection? Is it connected?

Also leave the owntracks open in the background of you android phone. I have seen it
not updating, when its not open in the background.

Is background communication allowed for owntracks?

Under Reporting: is Automatic location reporting enabled?

Under Advances: is Autostart enabeled?

[quote=“deisi”]Hey I think you have android.

Do you use a private broker or a public one?

When you click on the preferences. What does is say under Connection? Is it connected?

Also leave the owntracks open in the background of you android phone. I have seen it
not updating, when its not open in the background.

Is background communication allowed for owntracks?

Under Reporting: is Automatic location reporting enabled?

Under Advances: is Autostart enabeled?[/quote]

Android yes and I use a private broker and it says connected.
I´ll test to keep app open.
Yes to all three questions regarding background, automatic and autostart.

Is it working fine for you? What phone do you have in that case?

EDIT: Is there some other option for us with android to use?

Yes it is working for me. I use a Samsung Galaxy S5 mini with CM13 on it.
About the quality I can say, that I had similar troubles like you in the beginning (2 or 3 month ago) but then mqtt was updated and it got much better.
Anyhow, every once in a while my phone loses connection and it can take a random amount of time untill it publishs its connection.

Since its saying connected, do you have the right device entry in the known_host.yaml file. Is Tracking enabled there?

Yes it is working for me. I use a Samsung Galaxy S5 mini with CM13 on it.
About the quality I can say, that I had similar troubles like you in the beginning (2 or 3 month ago) but then mqtt was updated and it got much better.
Anyhow, every once in a while my phone loses connection and it can take a random amount of time untill it publishs its connection.

Since its saying connected, do you have the right device entry in the known_host.yaml file. Is Tracking enabled there?[/quote]

Hi, yes I think the connection between the phone and HA is working. I get notifications. The problem is that I get too many and not accurate ones.
I don´t know if this is because Owntracks report “wrong” coordinates or it buffers some how…

Anyway, since it´s so unreliable I can´t use it for any automations which is a pity.


Is owntracks the only device tracker you are using? If you also use your router for precense detection, it might be that the events from owntracks and your router interfere. And have you checked GPS reception when you are indoors?
I also have an LG G3 and it works OK. I’ve set my location settings to allow it to use GPS/WIFI/Cell to determine it’s location. This because I have crappy GPS reception when I’m indoors.

Kind regards,
