Help with DIO sockets in Hassbian

Is there anyone who can help me with intergrating DIO sockets in to Hassbian?

I am new to Home Assistant, and i don know how to get my DIO sockets into HA.
Is ther anyone who can explain step by step how to get this working?

I make use off Raspberry Pi 3 and cheap RF components, and i also must have the send codes.


If you mean the GPIO ports, then you just need to use the built in components. The homeassistant user already has the correct permissions. If you don’t mean the gpio ports, you might have to explain DIO.

I mean how to read and send the codes with libarary’s, and how to install these.

I am totaly new with HA.
I am comming from Domoticz, and there i’ve got it working.
but i do not know how te set it completly up in HA.

I think you need to explain a little more exactly what you want to do.

Hassbian is just rasbpian with a few extra scripts installed, so whatever you did with Domoticz should be available, but before anyone can explain how to integrate it with HA, they need to know more.

First off all I think I have to grab the sending codes from the transmitter from DIO.
How can i get these codes?

Second what libararys , modules and / or scripts do i have to install?
And how do I do that.

I am totaly new to HA, and I do not now how to do that.

Third how to get these switches into the dashboard?

What is being transmitted?

The code front the remote controller.