Help with emulated roku, device not selectable

Hi, installed emulated roku in home assistant.
Harmony found the the emulated device as roku 4.
Mapped 4 buttons in my remote to up, down, left right.

My problem is when I start a new automation, I can’t select the the emulated roku, It’s not in the list.

I also tried using a finished blueprint but it does not seem to work either ( the blueprint is that when left is activated through a keypress it should turn on a hue light)

Is there something simple I missed?


Don’t use device triggers, it doesn’t create a device. The entity will show up in literally all other selections for the most part.

not sure how you mean, when I did my harmony automatations, I must first select device, then harmony.

If i cant select device for the emulated roku what should I select instead?

It depends on what you’re trying to do. You haven’t explained any of that. Yaml integrations do not create devices, so you can’t use a device trigger, device condition, or device action. You have to use literally any of the other options. Seriously, literally any of them. Don’t select device first, choose something else. What you choose depends on what you want to do.

What I want to do:

Pressing red button on my harmony remote = emulated roku to turn on philips hue lights to 20% brightness

go to developer tools → event tab and listen to the roku_command event. Press the red button and see what the event shows.

Then make an event trigger based on that information.

Post the event output here if this is way above your head.

when I press the red button it says event 1 triggered, and displays time, what to do with this info?

Can you post the event information here please? I can’t help you off your words, I can only help you based on the information in the event. And you can’t paraphrase it, I need to see the actual unaltered data.

I don’t know if this is what you want?

some words are in swedish, ( händelse = event )

Then press the red button on your harmony remote.

thats what I posted,

when I press red the only line that is displayed is:

event 1 triggered 1.50 P.M

Your image shows you aren’t listening to the event, nore did you show what the event contained. It would look something like this below it:

and when you post the event data, post the yaml, not a screenshot of the yaml, like so:

event_type: state_changed
  entity_id: sensor.doorbell_uptime
    entity_id: sensor.doorbell_uptime
    state: "1818345"
      state_class: total_increasing
      unit_of_measurement: s
      device_class: duration
      icon: mdi:timer
      friendly_name: Doorbell Uptime
    last_changed: "2023-09-27T11:54:08.154594+00:00"
    last_updated: "2023-09-27T11:54:08.154594+00:00"
      id: 01HBB7TGWT6YPA47KSY1SE4CB5
      parent_id: null
      user_id: null
    entity_id: sensor.doorbell_uptime
    state: "1818405"
      state_class: total_increasing
      unit_of_measurement: s
      device_class: duration
      icon: mdi:timer
      friendly_name: Doorbell Uptime
    last_changed: "2023-09-27T11:55:08.156588+00:00"
    last_updated: "2023-09-27T11:55:08.156588+00:00"
      parent_id: null
      user_id: null
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: "2023-09-27T11:55:08.156588+00:00"
  parent_id: null
  user_id: null

I’m using the mobile app, maybe thats why It wont display all the info?

I clicked on listening but the info is the same

It should show up fine on mobile, does for me. The image you showed me shows “start listening” in your language, are you sure you toggled that? After it should show “stop listening”, that’s when you press the button on the remote. Bare minimum, you should have yaml with the event_type: roku_command in the page below the button.

yes, toggle that and then press the button.

But in the picture I attached it says something, translated to english:

Event data (YAML, optional)

No, you’re doing it wrong.

Press the button on the PHYSICAL REMOTE, the red button on the remote. After you listen for the event, you put your phone down, you pick up the Logitech remote and you press the red button.

what do you mean by the physical remote, do you mean the roku virtual remote in harmony?

I mean the harmony remote

thanks, I will try again tomorrow.

ok, I tried using a pc to login to my home assistant and was able to get data ( I don’t know why home my mobile add did not display the info)

Here is the data displayed, I copied that info into an event. And then added a device philips hue to turn of light, sadly nothing happended, is there something in the code I need to change?

event_type: roku_command
source_name: Home Assistant
type: keypress
key: Up
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: “2023-09-28T06:41:01.059712+00:00”
context: id: 01HBD89X43P2J4XAP5T6DDHDAC
parent_id: null
user_id: null