Help with entity button behavior

I’m still pretty new to HA configuration and could use a bit of help. I have 3 RF curtains controlled via MQTT on a Sonoff RF bridge (MQTT cover, tasmota+portisch) and 1 RF roller blind controlled via broadlink RM 4 pro (Template cover, locally connected no cloud). Everything works great, but on my lovelace entity card I’m seeing a slight difference with how the open/stop/close buttons work between the two different cover types.

The problem is when I click the open button on the template cover the open button will grey out even if I stop the blinds half way. Then I can’t open it further since the up button is grayed out. Same behavior when it’s open and I try to close and stop half way. My MQTT cover buttons don’t behave the same way - the buttons never grey out. The icon behavior is the same oddly. Is there an easy way to have all the buttons available on the template cover?

From my research I understand RF doesn’t provide any position feedback which is probably the crux of my issue (still odd the default behavior differs). One option I’m considering researching is maybe enabling both the open and close buttons if the stop button is ever pressed regardless of when the open/close buttons were pressed. I’m not sure how to do that or if it’s even possible, but could fix my issue. I’ve read the Template and MQTT cover HA help pages, but am not sure what to try. Any direction would be appreciated!


- platform: mqtt
  name: "Living Room Curtains"
  unique_id: livingroom-curtains
  device_class: curtain
  command_topic: "cmnd/rfbridge1/backlog"
  qos: 1
  payload_open: "rfraw AA B0 45 04 08 0186 02B2 0CC6 1464 38080808 55; rfraw 0"
  payload_close: "rfraw AA B0 43 04 08 0186 02B2 0E2E 145A 380800808 55; rfraw 0"
  payload_stop: "rfraw AA B0 44 04 08 0186 02BC 0E24 1464 3808081919808 55; rfraw 0"
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Kitchen Curtains"
  unique_id: kitchen-curtains
  device_class: curtain
  command_topic: "cmnd/rfbridge1/backlog"
  qos: 1
  payload_open: "rfraw AA B0 41 04 08 0186 02A8 0CC6 1464 3819180808 55; rfraw 0"
  payload_close: "rfraw AA B0 44 04 08 0172 02BC 0E2E 148C 380808080808 55; rfraw 0"
  payload_stop: "rfraw AA B0 44 04 08 017C 02BC 0E2E 1464 38080808 55; rfraw 0"
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Dining Room Curtains"
  unique_id: diningroom-curtains
  device_class: curtain
  command_topic: "cmnd/rfbridge1/backlog"
  qos: 1
  payload_open: "rfraw AA B0 43 04 08 017C 02B2 0C4E 12F2 3080808 55; rfraw 0"
  payload_close: "rfraw AA B0 47 04 08 017C 02A8 0AF0 12F2 3890008 55; rfraw 0"
  payload_stop: "rfraw AA B0 45 04 08 017C 029E 0C58 12E8 381808 55; rfraw 0"
- platform: template
      unique_id: kitchen-rollerblinds
      device_class: curtain
      friendly_name: "Kitchen Roller Blinds"
        service: remote.send_command
          command: b64:scCwBLblah
        entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
        service: remote.send_command
          command: b64:scCwblah
        entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
        service: remote.send_command
          command: b64:sMblah
        entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote

Lovelace entities card:

type: entities
  - entity: cover.kitchen_curtains
  - entity: cover.livingroom_curtains
  - entity: cover.diningroom_curtains
  - entity: cover.kitchen_rollerblinds
title: Curtains
state_color: true