although i appreciate that this is the HASS forum, i was wondering if anyone else has had issues with flashing a sonoff with espeasy R120
i’ve flashed the sonoff, but when it comes to the part where you need to see a new access point being run on the device so that you can log into the esp and configure it - i see nothing and am at whits end trying to figure this out.
i’m hesitant to “try” another sonoff just in case i end up with 2 bricks…
followed the guide (will need to find the link to the video) where you have to press the button to get it into flashing mode - the process works fine as far as i can tell… (screenshot above)
then unplugged the ftdi, waited a sec or two and plugged it in again without pressing the button - no AP found
You’re flashing seems successful! Don’t be scared to unplug it and plug it back several times, try with different devices (pc, tablets), turn wifi off and on again. It’s sometimes tricky to get the ap working. The ap name could be different than the standard one, as it might have changed (dependending on release you’re using).
And btw, beware of 110/220v, be sure to always ground you’re equipment!
hi all - thank you again for the input and feedback.
i figured out that TASMOTA uses quite a few more libraries then are mentioned in the tutorials, thus after copying all the libraries Theo provides in his arduino folder into my IDE, i was able to compile and upload with success.