Help with Frigate & MQTT

I’m trying to integrate my Frigate camera with MQTT. I’m using Mosquito as the broker. My camera is working with Frigate but it’s not being added to my MQTT integration.

Below is my code. I’m not getting any errors in my logs. Do I need to edit the YAML anywhere else?

I also tried putting host as “core-mosquito” with a mqtt user and password that I created as a user in MQTT, but that didn’t work either.

  host: (home assistant server IP)

    enabled: true
        - path: (camera rtsp path)
            - detect
            - rtmp
      enabled: true
      width: 1280
      height: 720
version: 0.14

frigate doesn’t support that, you need to install the frigate integration

Oh gotcha. I have it set up through the Frigate integration but every guide online (including Frigate’s own guide) says I need to add that mqtt code into the config file as well.

yes and if the frigate integration is working then everything is setup correctly, because the frigate integration uses mqtt. You are incorrectly assuming that frigate cameras will show up in the mqtt integration