Help with frontend

Hi, for the time being I am with the default frontend. I am thinking know that is good time to configure UI (by 3 dots up right corner menu).

However since I am a noob user I am afraid that I will not be able to find new devices when I install them (right now it discovers them automatically)

So before I mess them up, I am wondering if I do configure the frontend I need to find out the following

  1. is there a way to revert back?
  2. If I place in my configuration.yaml the “discovery:” will it auto discover the new devices?
  3. how can I manual add new devices?


  1. I don’t know. But once you take control and start making views look how you want them to look you won’t want to go back.
  2. Yes discovery still works.
  3. To add new devices to views: Click the 3 dots. Select edit UI. Add a new card with the (+) button lower right on the page. Add the type of card you want (e.g. glance) then fill out the form to add your new entities.

Finding recently discovered devices is very easy. Familiarise yourself with the following:

Developer Tools, States page.
Configuration, Integrations page.
Configuration, Entities page.

Also / three dots menu / configure UI / unused entities.

  1. you can go back to original states menu for now. But lovelace is so much better.
  2. discovery works for those devices that allow discovery. Some device may need to manually entered. Personally I like manual whenever its available
  3. manual addition can be done through the command line.

Pretty sure he means reverting to not “taking control” of Lovelace. Not changing from States to Lovelace.

Thanks all for the help. Last question (but I think the answer in a no)
Is there a way to have a second profile(?) where I can connect to HA?
I mean to keep the one as it is right now, and with the same setup to (hardware) to have one more account to play with?

Not like you are thinking to do it.

If you have devices that can be controlled from two different home assistant instances e.g. mqtt or hue lights then you could set up a dev instance. If you would run docker just make another and map it to different port.

But if you have devices that are bind to e.g usb (like zwave stick) then this is not possible.

All the users/profiles (or what those are called) see the same views and tabs per one home assistant instance.