Help with Fully Kiosk on Amazon Tablet

I’m trying to integrate my Amazon Fire Tablet with Home Assistant, but after spending hours on this I cannot seem to be able to see the sensor on HA
I’m running Hassio on a virtual Ubuntu server and is working well
I installed Fully Kiosk on the tablet and it looks good. However HA cannot see the sensor, find below details of my configuration:

  • platform: rest
    name: foo
    • batteryLevel
    • kioskMode
    • screenBrightness
    • motionDetectorState
    • maintenanceMode
    • appFreeMemory
    • appUsedMemory
    • totalFreeMemory
    • totalUsedMemory
    • hostname4
    • ip4
    • mac
    • locationLatitude
    • locationLongitude
    • locationAltitude
    • startUrl
    • currentPage
      resource: !secret foo_rest
      value_template: ‘{{ value_json.isScreenOn }}’



I have tried the url on a browser and I get all those details

I’m not sure if the problem is that I’m using a fire tablet , or something else
Your help will be appreciated

This is one of my REST and Template configuration for FullyKiosk (Licensed) on Fire7 Tablet.

 - platform: rest
   name: entrance_dashboard
    - androidSdk
    - androidVersion
    - appFreeMemory
    - appUsedMemory
    - appVersionCode
    - appVersionName
    - batteryLevel
    - currentFragment
    - currentPage
    - currentTabIndex
    - deviceID
    - deviceManufacturer
    - deviceModel
    - deviceName
    - displayHeightPixels
    - displayWidthPixels
    - foregroundApp
    - hostname4
    - hostname6
    - ip4
    - ip6
    - isDeviceAdmin
    - isDeviceOwner
    - isLicensed
    - isScreenOn
    - keyguardLocked
    - kioskLocked
    - kioskMode
    - lastAppStart
    - mac
    - maintenanceMode
    - motionDetectorState
    - plugged
    - screenBrightness
    - screenOrientation
    - ssid
    - startUrl
    - totalFreeMemory
    - totalUsedMemory
    - webviewUa
    - wifiSignalLevel
   resource: http://dash-entrance:2323/?cmd=deviceInfo&type=json&password=password
   timeout: 60
   value_template: >-
     {%- if value_json.isScreenOn -%}
     {%- else -%}
     {%- endif %}

 - platform: template
       friendly_name: "Entrance Dashboard Battery"
       device_class: battery
       unit_of_measurement: '%'
       entity_id: sensor.entrance_dashboard
       value_template: "{{ states.sensor.entrance_dashboard.attributes.batteryLevel }}"

Have you purchased a license? It’s worth it! I am under the impression that to use the REST API it has to be licensed.

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Any error in the logs? Can you ping the tablet from where your HA instances is running?


Thanks for your reply

I bought the full license, as i thought that could be the problem

I will try your configuration.

Did you set a password on the fully kiosk app gor the home assistant page? I was wondering if that could be the problem.

I set the logging to debug, but could not see anything obvious.

I don’t think the problem could be the network, as there are on the same subnet and nothing prevents the communication



I have actually tested the API from within linux on the Home assistant box, and it works, for example:

curl --request POST ‘

curl --request POST ‘

So it seems like HA, for some reason simply is ignoring the information I put on the sensors.yaml file - although I checked and the syntax is 100% correct.
Maybe I’m missing something?
Thanks again

Do you see the sensor you have defined in the Configuration -> Entities list? If not, make sure your sensors.yaml file is being included. Check your configuration.yaml to ensure you have the appropriate include line for sensors.yaml.

I’ve been working on a custom component to control Fully Kiosk Browser in HA. It can be added as a custom repository in HACS. Currently supports a handful of sensors, a light entity to turn the screen on/off and control brightness, and switches to control the screensaver, kiosk lock, and maintenance mode.

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Hi Charles
Thanks gor your tip
I will try tomorrow ss soon as i have a bit if free time
I will let you know how it goes

You hit the nail on the head: there is no include sensors.yaml in configuration.yaml
It seems the sensors.yaml have the code duplicated on the sensors.yaml, which is why it works with the current sensors!
I will give it a try tomorrow
Thanks again