Help with Garage door with 2 sensors


I managed to setup my garage door with tasmota and a reed switch. which is working fine. However my second thought is that it would be nice to know if the door is fully open (i currently have the sensor at fully closed).

I followed the video from Drzzz
$5 DIY “Smart” Garage Door Opener using Sonoff SV

I ve already setup a new reed switch on gpio4 with the mqqt message: “cmnd/garagestate/POWER3”
the first reed switch had “cmnd/garagestate/POWER2”

What i would like is 3 icons 3 states.

1 - Fully closed icon power2=on
2 - in between power 2=off power3=off
3- Fully open power3 = on

and clickable in the same way off course

what do i write in configuration.yaml to get this… do i need to build a custom component for this?

Apreciate if you can push me in the right direction.

Bonus question. in the video notes under video its also describe you should write into tasmota:

GPIO 4 to 22 Relay2

i see no reason for this so i removed it …

thank you,
This is my first post here

Do i have do add the device twice , one for each sensor and try to combine them by only showing the one thats ON?