Help with HASSOS

Ok…YES>>>>>!!! I figured it out. Ugh…what a pain in the rear…!! Thanks for putting up with my rants and raves.

btw…the issue was that the Rsp3 that I was using used to be a Blynk server, and so I hit the X on the router to delete it, and it went away, but it actually put it in “Excluded” list…and so it would issue the IP address to the Rsp3…but then it was in an exclusion list…oh my…I feel stupid…LOL…!!
Anyway…I remove the exclusion and it booted right up…So if you have issues that show the lines above in my picture…CHECK YOUR ROUTER…what a waste of two days.!


Glad to hear you got there in the end and good on you for admitting what happened rather than just going quiet like some people we could mention.

Please look at the system time,in China system can’t connect to, so the system time is wrong , cause the docker can’t to pull because the ssl Verification error. I rewrote the hosts file ,reboot the system ,it’s work

I saw the same repeated lines as you. And there is no exclusion in my router. Not sure how to fix it.

How to check the system time? I am in China and I have the SS applied in my router, but sill have the issue.