Help with heat recovery ventilation

Hi, I just installed a ventilation system with heat recovery, meaning that the vents have ceramic tubes inside to store warmth and the fans have the possibility to alter between blowing and sucking.

I could use some inspiration on how to model the following modes:

  1. Surveillance mode (monitors humidity and activates accordingly) with 3 levels of humidity threshold
  2. Manual heat recovery mode with 3 fan speeds
  3. Master-Slave air flow with 3 fan speeds
  4. Slave-Master air flow with 3 fan speeds
  5. Extraction mode with 3 fan speeds
  6. Intake mode with 3 fan speeds
  7. Night mode (Low speed heat recovery,no setting)
  8. Timed boost mode (20 min high power extraction, then previous mode, not sure if really needed. No settings)

It seems the easiest would be allow selection of the mode and then of three levels, which are internally either interpreted as fan speeds, humidity levels or are are functionless.

What would be the right entity type for this?

For each settings, I need to send a series of MQTT messages, as I am interfacing the master via an MQTT-IR bridge and emulate remote commands.
Each mode has its own code, but the “level” needs to be translated to either the fan or the humidity level codes depending on the currently active mode.

For consistency (due to the lack of a return channel), each change of either mode or level should set both.

Eventually, this should be combined with rules that act upon a window sensor (do extraction when window is open) and a temperature sensor: Cool down room in summer nights by intake, possibly warm over the day in transition times, heat recovery when too cold or too hot outside, switch off (high humidity surveillance) when temperatures are too extrem.


Hey, just curious did you ever have any progress. Can’t seem to find many projects integrating with Heat Recovery systems… Just curious did you ever make any progress with this? Have a similar post at

I learned the IR codes of my SĂĽdwind Ambientika and control it with that via an ESP32. All codes are absolute (so no toggling button that would require to know the current state to set another one), but there is no back channel, so this must the only control used if HA should be able to display the current state.


Hi, I’d like to set this up for my Südwind Ambientikas as well. Could please give some details on the IR LED and any resistors or other parts you used in the build? Could you share a picture or plan that shows how you put the parts together? Thanks a lot!

I used a IRLML0030 MOSFET, which works quit well for low side switching from ESP32. But you can also use a BJT.

Pretty sure I used a 940nm LED. You can put two LEDs in series. For the resistor, use Ohms law to limit the current to maybe half of the max pulse current of the LED.

There are really no complicated constrains on this, execpt for not trying to drive the LED directly from the pin.

Good evening,

For your information, with the Ambientika WIRELESS+ you can simply read the IR remote control with the Broadlink and then teach it there, then you can create a weekly schedule that automatically controls the decentralized ventilation devices as desired.

Broadlink RM4 pro+HTS2 IR RF WiFi Universal Remote Smart Home Automation Compatible

Best regards

Hi Martin, good to see the manufacturer here. That is a good suggestion for people who do not want to solder themselves, but it shares the same issue: There is no back channel.
I only have one unit, but as far as I understand, there is already a wireless communication channel for multiple units to communicate. Couldn’t this be used for better communication if you would document it?

Hi Martin, I am using Ambientika Smart. Since it’s connected to the wifi, do you think it will ever be possible to take control using home assistant?

Any news here? i’m thinking about buying 3 SUEDWIND: Ambientika WIRELESS+
Integration in HA would be great.

You will need the Smart Version the older probably wont get “smart” anytime.

EDIT: I played around with my Ambientikas and meassured how the Fans get controlled. Maybe i get something working to Control them via an esp32 and some mosfet.

EDIT2: the Prototype is alive and working. If someone is interested Just ask.

@caro as you can See an Integration to HA is possible with the Ambientikas.


How do you teach a Broadlink RM4 the different modes? If I teach it the mode function, it will just toggle between them, and I have no clue which mode is active.

I have three Ambientika Smart installed recently in my house. I was interested how they work and did some observation on network traffic etc. At the moment a node js application running in docker is doing the job to integrate them into home assistant via MQTT. Their are controllable locally and optional via cloud. I’m planning to release the code on github. It’s still on POC level and will not be actively maintained.
But maybe someone want to use or fork it. I will give an update as soon as available on github.

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This works pretty nice for 1 device. But i need it for 2 Devices,

sadly… i didnt know how i need to write the lines to get it work.

any Help?

Don’t have any spare time left at moment, but decided to published it anyway.
It’s running fine since nearly half a year in my home via docker.

Hopefully I will find some time to optimize code and documentation