Help with 'HomeKit controller support'

I already have HomeKit controller support enabled on one version of Home Assistant (run in a Docker container), and am in the process of setting up a new (clean) instance of HA in a different Docker container.

I want to add HomeKit controller support to the new instance of HA, and have added the code to configuration.yaml

    - homekit

The new version of HA doesn't seem to find any of my devices from HomeKit, so I checked on Home Assistant's webpage, but I'm not sure about part of the information.

At the HomeKit controller support page is says:

“If your device is currently paired with Siri, you will need to reset it in order to pair it with Home Assistant. Once Home Assistant is configured to work with the device, you can export it back to Siri with the HomeKit component.”

I'm wondering if this is why the HomeKit devices won't appear in the new instance of HA? How do I 'reset/unpair' a device from Siri?

…as an update to this, I disabled HomeKit on the first instance of Home Assistant, and it still wouldn’t work on the second instance of Home Assistant.

I even tried another clean Home Assistant container and that won’t work either.

Does anyone know if this is a bug with the HomeKit controller?

(For the sake of anyone else having the same trouble) I found the problem.

I was running the new instances of Home Assistant with ‘–net=host’ for the Docker container, and HomeKit Controller won’t discover HomeKit devices with this setting enabled.

I managed to get around it by running the Home Assistant Docker container through Traefik (reverse proxy), which I was doing anyway with the original container running Home Assistant, to enable SSL and redirect to my domain.

hi jono, could you explain me what you did, i cant add my homekit lock to HA! :frowning:

Are you running Home Assistant in a Docker container? If so, please post your Docker config for Home Assistant.

Hi @jono, I am having the same problem: I cannot connect my offong outlet with the HomeKit controller integration.

Here you can see my docker-compose.yaml file for homeassistant:

version: '3'
    container_name: home-assistant
    image: homeassistant/raspberrypi4-homeassistant:stable
      - /opt/homeassistant/config:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /dev/video0:/dev/video0
      - /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0
      - TZ=Europe/Madrid
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host

PS: I also have the IP and MAC address of my offong outlet and can see it from my computer. I checked from inside the homeassistant docker with python3 -m netdisco and I was not able to see the outlet.

Were you ever able to get this resolved?