Hi, I currently have some flows setup to monitor ICMP for hosts and activate a GPIO in the event of a host becoming unreachable.
I would like to do the same for a webpage, being frigate. Basically I was to activate the GPIO in the event of the frigate container becoming unhealthy or unresponsive.
Any way I could do this?
My current flows look like this, just multiple of them.
"id": "82df664307dddebe",
"type": "tab",
"label": "Flow 2",
"disabled": false,
"info": "",
"env": []
"id": "782629be73fc1d1a",
"type": "switch",
"z": "82df664307dddebe",
"name": "Check if found",
"property": "payload",
"propertyType": "msg",
"rules": [
"t": "gt",
"v": "0",
"vt": "num"
"t": "else"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
"x": 560,
"y": 160,
"wires": [
"id": "f2c7f815bd6d6233",
"type": "change",
"z": "82df664307dddebe",
"name": "Kermit Up",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "true",
"tot": "bool"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 760,
"y": 120,
"wires": [
"id": "72b9d81abf404f96",
"type": "change",
"z": "82df664307dddebe",
"name": "Kermit Down",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "false",
"tot": "bool"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 770,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "8baace6765923d9d",
"type": "rbe",
"z": "82df664307dddebe",
"name": "Filter status changes only",
"func": "rbe",
"gap": "",
"start": "",
"inout": "out",
"septopics": true,
"property": "payload",
"topi": "topic",
"x": 1030,
"y": 160,
"wires": [
"id": "a1568a1929df557c",
"type": "ping",
"z": "82df664307dddebe",
"protocol": "Automatic",
"mode": "timed",
"name": "server1",
"host": "",
"timer": "5",
"inputs": 0,
"x": 290,
"y": 160,
"wires": [