Help with IFTTT


I am new to Home Assistant and I am trying to set up the IFTTT integration.
I have an IFTTT account with several applets (with Smartthings, Hive etc)
In HA I have Nabu Casa and I have installed the IFTTT integrations.

In the configuration.yaml I have my api key from IFTTT and I have restarted HA.

When I use the develop tools ot test it as per the documentation nothing happens apart from the call service button changing from blue to green and back to blue ?

So can I ask for some help to set this up please?

and How do I send a webhook to IFTTT and received one ? That is confusing me at the moment.

Any help is appreciated thank you


I have managed to muddle my way through this, but I can’t claim to really understand it…

To launch an IFTTT applet with a web request from HA you need to use the IFTTT Webhooks service as the applet trigger. Setting this up requires you to make up an event name (like “Away” or “front_door_opened”).

At the Home Assistant end you send the event name from a script or automation using the service ifttt.trigger and the name of the event. In the UI it would look like this:


To send a web request from IFTTT to HA, you use the Webhooks service in the action part of the applet. The fields to complete are:

URL This would be the one from Nabu Casa, beginning
Method POST
Content Type application/json
Body This contains the data you want to be inserted into HA fields. For example:
{ “action”: “call_service”, “service”: “input_boolean.turn_off”, “entity_id”: “input_boolean.hall_window” }

At the HA end you would probably have an automation triggered by the arrival of the webhook:


And the actions would be the ones in the webhook data:


Hope this is enough to get you started!

Hi, thank for taking the time to explain this. I might have a go to see if I can get it working but when compared to Smartthings its very chunky and not friendly. I think I might just stick to using HA as a good dashboard creating tool and leave the automations etc to ST.

Will see how i get on with IFTTT , but thank you for replying.

Regards Andy