Help with Jasper-Project!

I love HASS, and I love Jasper. However, they currently do not play nice on a RPI together.

This makes me sad. I have tons of users that love this, but wont use it.

I was thinking PyEnv, or something of that nature. It appears to be a python version conflict on a few libraries. I am not the HASS expert, so any input/ideas are welcome. Also, feel free to come chat with us or look at the images I have listed. Might give a little more insight.

Hi There -

Far from a HASS or Python expert, but a number of us are using the new All In One Installer for Home Assistant on the pi, and that by default installs Home Assistant in its own Virtual Environment, and is easy and quick to use.

If you do indeed have versioning conflicts with Python libraries this should be an easy workaround, especially if you install JASPER in it’s own Virtual Environment for additional separation.

Thanks, I have never used it. Honestly, I didn’t see a need for an installer? I just ran pip install… done. But that is a good idea, and I will try it. But, no jasper is not in its own virt env. I am the only person developing on the UX side right now; and its not something I have had a ton of time for. Been working out issues in the images lately. Also, the only person doing that. lol…

DAMN! 1-2hours?

I gotta ask, what is it doing… man… Thats no bueno…

I have my users down to minutes, and its MUCH more complicated. MUCH.

It’s really just to let people with slower Pi’s and connections not feel like it’s taking too long (remember the users of HA come from all over the world with varying bandwidth availabilities). In my experience it didn’t take nearly this long. Probably about an hour from unboxing to having a running HA system on the Pi if I remember correctly. And I had never touched a Pi before that so that included marveling at the parts for a few minutes :heart_eyes: and downloading the raspian image to the SD card.

Oh, well with all that then yeah… I thought you mean to write the image… I was like wow 256GB SD? lol