Help with JSON with multiple arrays

I am trying to set some sensors from the following JSON that details my bin collections. As these have duplicate fields, how would I select the field ‘nextDate’ for jobID 9573337 and the ‘nextDate’ for jobID 9584045? I am stumped…

  "recordCount": 2,
  "jobs_FeatureScheduleDates": [
      "jobID": 9573337,
      "jobName": "Empty Bin 240L Black",
      "jobDescription": "Empty Bin 240L Black",
      "jobStatus": "Not Started",
      "previousDate": "2020-01-28T09:52:17.837",
      "nextDate": "2020-02-11T07:00:00",
      "rescheduledDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "rescheduledDateSpecified": false,
      "rescheduledReason": "",
      "uprn": 100090181402,
      "usrn": 30101686,
      "address1": "",
      "address2": 12,
      "street": "xx",
      "locality": "xx",
      "town": "xx",
      "postCode": "xx",
      "easting": xx,
      "northing": xx,
      "longitude": xx,
      "latitude": xx
      "jobID": 9584045,
      "jobName": "Empty Bin 240L Green",
      "jobDescription": "Empty Bin 240L Green",
      "jobStatus": "Not Started",
      "previousDate": "2020-01-21T11:53:24.833",
      "nextDate": "2020-02-04T07:00:00",
      "rescheduledDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "rescheduledDateSpecified": false,
      "rescheduledReason": "",
      "uprn": 100090181402,
      "usrn": 30101686,
      "address1": "",
      "address2": 12,
      "street": "xx",
      "locality": "xx",
      "town": "xx",
      "postCode": "xx",
      "easting": xx,
      "northing": xx,
      "longitude": -xx,
      "latitude": xx

Does the data always come in that order? Or do you WANT to use the jobID?

If it always comes as an array like that you can just use {{ value_json.jobs_FeatureScheduleDates[0].nextDate }} to access the first item in the array, or [1] to access the second item in the array

Mmmm so I used

  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ value_json.jobs_FeatureScheduleDates[0].nextDate }}'

But the sensor just comes back with ‘unavailable’.

I am generating the JSON with

  - platform: rest
    name: bindata
      - jobs_FeatureScheduleDates
    value_template: '{{ value_json.bindata }}'

Well, this is a tough one. Your next date appears to be the 2nd item, assuming your date is Year-Month-day.

Now, This template will have to change depending on the timezone. It’s not provided in the dates, so I have to assume it’s local. But it could be UTC. Either way, it could be off by a few hours depending on tz.

{% set format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' %}
{% set namespace(timestamps=[]) %}
{% for job in value_json.bindata.jobs_FeatureScheduleDates %}
  {% set ts = strptime(job.nextDate, format).timestamp() %}
  {% set namespace.timestamps = namespace.timestamps + [ ts ] %}
{% endfor %}
{% if namespace.timestamps %}
  {% set next = namespace.timestamps | min | timestamp_custom(format) %}
  {% set jobid = value_json.bindata.jobs_FeatureScheduleDates | selectattr('nextDate','eq', next) | map(attribute='jobID') | list %}
  {{ jobid | first if jobid | length > 0 else 'unknown' }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

Thanks for this. All dates/times are UK GMT. There are two jobs that I need the ‘nextDate’ for. The Black waste bin and the Green waste bin. Each is detailed in a jobID array.

well either way, this template will only tell you the next jobid. It won’t show you all 4 or whatever.

I don’t know why you guys have such a complicated garbage system anyways. In the states they pick up everything on the same day, once a week. No use for any of these crazy templates.

We are stuck with what we have :grinning: they alternate between landfill waste and recycling waste every week. I can never remember what the next collection is, hence HA to the rescue. If I can work out the value_template syntax!

Well, the template I provided will tell which is next, and only which is next.

Need both unfortunately. The first is landfill waste and the second is recycling waste.

So if you need to know which one to put out, do you need to know the date of the second one? Just saying. This will simply tell you that this week you need to put out job # x. Then, when that job passes, it will tell you the next weeks.

Surely with the JSON data it must be possible to set a sensor with the corresponding fields? Seems crazy amount of code just to get a date when it is already stored in the nextDate field.

You can’t compare dates as strings. 9 is greater than 10 as strings. So you have to convert the dates to a number. Then for some reason, that js list is not ordered based on next date, and the order can change. So you need to dynamically look through the list. Thats what @flamingm0e was eluding to with this comment:

Because if the order changes and next week you get job1 and job2 swapped then your template will show the wrong information.

You’re welcome to not use the template. But you need to understand the ramifications.

Yes it always comes in that order.

“jobID”: 9573337. Is always the Black bin collection.
“jobID”: 9584045. Is always the Green bin collection.

Both jobs are always in the same order. Sorry if I am being dumb, but this looks straight forward but seemingly it isn’t!

If they are in the same order then @flamingm0e’s solution will work, and it is straight forward.

  - platform: rest
    name: Black Bin
    value_template: '{{ value_json.bindata.jobs_FeatureScheduleDates[0].nextDate }}'

  - platform: rest
    name: Green Bin
    value_template: '{{ value_json.bindata.jobs_FeatureScheduleDates[1].nextDate }}'

Or if you want a single rest sensor and 2 template sensors:

  - platform: rest
    name: bindata
      - bindata
    value_template: 'OK'
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Black Bin
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.bindata','bindata').jobs_FeatureScheduleDates[0].nextDate }}"
        friendly_name: Green Bin
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.bindata','bindata').jobs_FeatureScheduleDates[1].nextDate }}"

Thank you for your continued help. Unfortunately the first example comes back with ‘unknown’ while the second is ‘unavailable’ :frowning:

I am banging my head against the wall :slight_smile:

what does

  - platform: rest
    name: bindata
    value_template: {{ value }}


EDIT Nevermind, i’m just going to the site.

and, that’s your problem. bindata is no where to be found…

So… because bindata doesn’t actually exist…

@flamingm0e’s solution in his first reply that you never tried…

  - platform: rest
    name: Black Bin
    value_template: '{{ value_json.jobs_FeatureScheduleDates[0].nextDate }}'

  - platform: rest
    name: Green Bin
    value_template: '{{ value_json.jobs_FeatureScheduleDates[1].nextDate }}'

Or if you want a single rest sensor and 2 template sensors:

  - platform: rest
    name: bindata
      - jobs_FeatureScheduleDates
    value_template: 'OK'
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Black Bin
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.bindata','jobs_FeatureScheduleDates')[0].nextDate }}"
        friendly_name: Green Bin
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.bindata','jobs_FeatureScheduleDates')[1].nextDate }}"
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Ah ha. Awesome that has worked, thank you so much for the help!