Hi, I have 2 LAN8720 modules and cannot get either working.
I have been through posts online regarding this module, including the resistor modification but I cant seem to get anything to work, the unit negotiates with the switch and appears to be all good, but there is no network access, I cannot ping it at all.
If your Ethernet board is not designed with an ESP32 built in, it’s common to attempt to use flying leads, dupont wires, etc. to connect the Ethernet controller to the ESP32. This approach is likely to fail, however, as the Ethernet interface uses a high frequency clock signal that will not travel reliably over these types of connections. For more information and wiring details refer to the link in the See also section.
However I also have seen multiple posts of people using Dupont wires, I have however, soldered my Dupont jumpers onto the pins for a more solid connection.
I would expect to see inconsistencies in ping responses and response times etc., rather then just no reply at all, I have not had 1 ping response from this board.
Not sure if I need this but see no mention of it from anyone, anywhere.
I’ve been using the LAN8720 module recently as well. The module comes in three versions: one with a 50MHz crystal, one with a 25MHz crystal, and one without a crystal. When using an external oscillator, IO0 must be used as the input. To prevent IO0 from being pulled down by the crystal, the power-en feature is used to ensure that IO0 can be pulled high (in some examples, IO0 is pulled up). The board you have uses the version without a crystal, so you don’t need to consider the power configuration.