repeat_freq: &repeat_freq
- 5
- 5
- 5
- 30
family_phones: &family_phones
- mobile_app_iphone_14_pro
- mobile_app_iphone
name: Open top right gas
done_message: Top right gas is closed
entity_id: binary_sensor.top_right_gas_contact
state: "on"
repeat: *repeat_freq
message: "Top right gas is open for {{ relative_time(states.binary_sensor.top_right_gas_contact.last_changed)}} from {{as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.top_right_gas_contact.last_changed)|timestamp_custom('%A %I:%M%p') }}"
can_acknowledge: true
skip_first: true
notifiers: *family_phones
I got this error when I do Check Configuration and the alert doesn’t fire off
Invalid config for ‘alert’ at alert.yaml, line 1: expected a dictionary for dictionary value ‘alert->repeat_freq’, got [5, 5, 5, 30]
Invalid config for ‘alert’ at alert.yaml, line 7: expected a dictionary for dictionary value ‘alert->family_phones’, got [‘mobile_app_iphone_14_pro’, ‘mobile_app_iphone’]
AFAIK you have 3 options:
Define the alerts under configuration.yaml
Move your alerts to packages
Use the first real alert definition to create the anchors instead of the dummy entries you currently have.
I’d probably go for that last option in this case.
Also, I would use notifier groups for the notifiers: key instead of anchors/aliases. You get the same result with less hassle.
Yes, you are correct. I’m using a separate alert.yaml file. Could you illustrate how you do that with option 3? I also did move to the notifier group. Thank you for your help!
Using your code as the anchor example, then any alerts following can use the defined alias. If you’ve converted to notify groups you can remove the second anchor/alias.
name: Open top right gas
done_message: Top right gas is closed
entity_id: binary_sensor.top_right_gas_contact
state: "on"
repeat: &repeat_freq
- 5
- 5
- 5
- 30
message: "Top right gas is open for {{ relative_time(states.binary_sensor.top_right_gas_contact.last_changed)}} from {{as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.top_right_gas_contact.last_changed)|timestamp_custom('%A %I:%M%p') }}"
can_acknowledge: true
skip_first: true
notifiers: &family_phones
- mobile_app_iphone_14_pro
- mobile_app_iphone
name: Next alert example using alias
done_message: Make sure the anchor is defined before this
entity_id: binary_sensor.mumble
state: "on"
repeat: *repeat_freq
message: "Example message"
skip_first: true
notifiers: *family_phones