Help with locating Mopidy

I need some help please. I cannot find the Mopidy component either in the add-ons or in the 1048 community components. The mpd is there, but it lists only three lines in configuration.yaml and only results in an empty media player. There is no config block like for the other components. Sorry if this is a stupid question.

You can try this!

Add this link in your hassio addon store, and Mopidy will show up as a addon.

I did this but still haven’t been able to get it to work correctly. If I figure it out I’ll be sure to let you know!

Thank you! It showed up and I installed it. I could get it working with an external URL, but not a local file. My config is

  "local_scan": true,
  "options": [
      "name": "local/media_dir",
      "value": "/share/mopidy/media/"

And my try at playing a local file is:

    - service: media_player.play_media
        entity_id: media_player.mpd
        # media_content_id: local:track:toetsboodskap.mp3
        # media_content_id: 'local:track:toetsboodskap.mp3'
        media_content_id: /share/mopidy/media/toetsboodskap.mp3
        # media_content_id: '/share/mopidy/media/toetsboodskap.mp3'
        # media_content_id: /config/www/toetsboodskap.mp3
        # media_content_id: '/config/www/toetsboodskap.mp3'
        # media_content_id: local/toetsboodskap.mp3
        # media_content_id: /config/local/toetsboodskap.mp3
        # media_content_id:
        media_content_type: 'music'

The only one that works is the URL, which I found on one of the posts. All the others give me directory or file not found errors.
Any silly mistake that you can spot?
How are things on your side?

I’m glad you got the addon running!

I’m still trying to feel my way around all this HA stuff so I’m not good enough yet to spot errors.

I still haven’t been successful getting it working the way i want to but I’m in the process of getting help from a great member here. As soon as i figure out what I’m doing wrong ill be sure to pass it along to you! I can’t wait until the day when I can come on here and contribute too!

This is a wonderful community and I’m blessed to be a part of it.

Ill keep you posted Robert!

Thanks Corey! I am also a complete newbie. This is a great community indeed and like you, one day I’d like to contribute. I’ll post that question about the weird file not found error in a new discussion. Thanks again.

i finally got it to play a local mp3!!!


  - platform: mpd
    name: 'Fire Speaker'
    arguments: 'alsa-audio-device=hw:0,0'
    host: 192.168.xx.xx
    port: 6600


  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.fire_speaker
      media_content_id: http://192.168.xx.xx:8123/local/goodnight.mp3
      media_content_type: "music"

it works perfectly, now i just need to figure out how to place multiple mp3 and have it fire one at a time :slight_smile: I call it progress

Thank you for sharing! I have google tts working, but had some problems with mp3s. I’ll give it a shot.

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I have some mp3s working (short ones from but longer ones like songs do not work. One of them made an incredible noise, like a speaker saturating, and the other didn’t play at all. I’d like to get a playlist going like you.

I have only used it to to play short mp3 clips like “goodnight” or “good morning” so I’m not sure about longer tracks.

Are you placing them in the www folder in config?

As far as the noise goes I have noticed that different speakers repack differently to being hooked up. For example I have a splitter hooked up to my pi where I run one cable to my surround sound speaker and another runs to my garage where I have a second speaker. The sorround sound speaker sounds great with no “white noise” but the one in the garage has it if the speaker volume is set too high.

Also are you setting the music in the media player to play from http://192.168.your.pi.ip:8123/local/your track.mp3?

I got it working as you said, thanks. Also, I traced the problem with the mp3s. It happens when I play a google tts BEFORE the mp3 - then I get terrible saturation, you just hear nothing but noise. When I play the mp3 before google tts, the mp3 is interrupted by tts and doesn’t get played till the end. When I play the mp3 by itself (no tts before or after), it plays fine without any problems. Pretty weird… It seems mp3s and google tts doesn’t play nice as two services in the same sequence.

i am trying to install mopidy on my hassio updated with 89.1 but its not installing, previously it works good but now not instaling

this error shows

404 Client Error: Not Found ("pull access denied for bestlibre/mopidy, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'").`
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Hi, please, how you make Google TTS working? Please, can you send me code?