Help with mobile dashboard renewal. Add subicons and more tap actions on the "room card"

Hi all!

I’ve done my mobile dashboard with mushroom which is neat and simple, without scrolling I can see all my rooms:

Now a single tap on the room card turns on a light, double tap turns off all the lights, hold opens the room page.

But now that I’m going more and more through HA and Dashboards (quite at the beginning… I’ve done this dashboard looking at ESH youtube) I would like something slightly different.

What I need is some sub-icons at the bottom of the card of each room that I already have, that can do something, like open a pop-up (maybe with bubble-card) for HVAC/AC, another for the covers and other icons for something else that will come up in mind :smiley:

I was thinking to use the card_room template of the Minimalist UI, but it’s way too big to keep 2 columns of rooms and don’t scroll to much to see all the rooms, and have the sub-icons on the right. I could save some space with a hide button for the first section with the big buttons… but it won’t be enough.

Another thing that I would like, is to leave the tap/double tap action on the icon and have also a tap action on the card to open the room page, like the custom actions of the Minimalist UI.

I’m not so expert, but reading the card_room it’s not possible to do what I would like. I also don’t understand how to use the custom actions like “ulm_card_tap_action”, “ulm_card_double_tap_action”, “ulm_icon_tap_action” and “ulm_icon_double_tap_action” on the card_room template.
I tried this yaml code but it doesn’t work, double tap on the card gives me this error “Failed to call service input_select/select_option. required key not provided @ data [‘option’]” :

- type: 'custom:button-card'
        - card_room
        - red_no_state
        name: Bathroom
        entity: light.bagno_ste
        icon: mdi:shower-head
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: "salone"
          ulm_card_double_tap_action: "more-info"
          label_use_temperature: true
          label_use_brightness: false
          temperature: '30'
            entity_id: light.bagno_ste
              - yellow_on
              action: toggle
            entity_id: light.bagno_ste_strip
              - blue_on
              action: toggle
              - green_on
              - red_off
              action: toggle
            entity_id: light.corridoio
              - pink_on
              action: toggle

So, I’m here asking the community, what type of cards I can use to do what I need? Can someone help me… give some inspiration? Maybe there are some cards or ways that I don’t know which could help me to do what I need.

Thanks and sorry for the long post! :slight_smile: