Help with mqtt - alarm

I recently updated to 0.113 (nuc supervised)
I have connected my Paradox alarm to HA and everything is working but I cannot arm-disarm the alarm from HA anymore. I haven’t changed anything and I am not sure whats the problem.

the configuration is the following

  - platform: mqtt
    #name: Paradox Mak
    #unique_id: Paradox Mak
    state_topic: "paradoxdCTL/hassio/Arm0"
    command_topic: "paradoxdCTL/in"
    payload_disarm: '{"password":"0000","Command":"disarm","Subcommand":"0"}'
    payload_arm_night: '{"password":"0000","Command":"sleep","Subcommand":"0"}'
    payload_arm_home: '{"password":"0000","Command":"stay","Subcommand":"0"}'
    payload_arm_away: '{"password":"0000","Command":"arm","Subcommand":"0"}'

and this what I get when I am trying to arm the alarm

Annotation 2020-08-04 004220

any ideas what I could do?