Help with multiple broadlink

Hi there,
I’m new to this section and to HomeAssistant in general.
I have a working instance of HassIO with some integrations working fine but:

I’ve just bought two more Broadlink RM Mini 3 and I can’t let it works.

I live in an house with three floors, and have an air conditioner on each floor.
I want to control all air conditioners from HassIO sending commands from broadlink devices but only the first one is working.

The following is my configuration:

#switch 101:
  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '78:0F:77:XX:XX:XX'
    friendly_name: "Broadlink 1"
    timeout: 15
    retry: 5
    type: rm_mini

#switch 102:
  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '24:DF:A7:XX:XX:XX'
    friendly_name: "Broadlink 2"
    timeout: 15
    retry: 5
    type: rm_mini

#switch 103:
  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '24:DF:A7:XX:XX:XX'
    friendly_name: "Broadlink 3"
    timeout: 15
    retry: 5
    type: rm_mini

  - platform: smartir
    name: HiSenseSala
    device_code: 9001
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature_158d00044a439c
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity_158d00044a439c

  - platform: smartir
    name: HiSenseNotte
    device_code: 9001
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature_158d00044a4387
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity_158d00044a4387
  - platform: smartir
    name: HiSenseMansarda
    device_code: 9001
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature_158d00044a43da
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity_158d00044a43da

As you can see I’ve just tried to have a single “switch:” declaration with the three “platform” or three “switch” changing the switch numbers, but nothing changes.
I’ve also tried to create a switches folder, include it in configurations and created three different yaml files for the switches (in this case nothing works).

I’ve notice that only the one with IP works fine, even if is the second in the configurations.

It will be possible an incompatibility ? all are Broadlink RM Mini 3 but with different MAC type (ad you can see from configuration), but on the Smartphone Broadlink app all works fine.

What I’m doing wrong ?


UP! ;-(
Any ideas? I keep trying but i can’t find any combo that works

I just got myself a 2nd RM mini this week for my Bedroom, first one located in the downstairs area which has been working well for over a year.

I spent the best part of an hour last night trying to get the new unit to learn codes for the bedroom AC, using the broadlink.learn function in HA - would not work. I then ended up trying the broadlink.send command using the 2nd unit and a code for the original AC, and it worked.

It seems with multiple units that the first unit becomes the “master” and every other unit becomes a slave that can only send commands and not learn them.

I used the original unit to learn all the commands, and then put those codes into scripts for the new unit to use. All working perfectly.

My config in switch.yaml

- platform: broadlink
  mac: '78:0f:77:00:XX:XX'
  timeout: 15
  type: rm_mini
  retry: 2

- platform: broadlink
  mac: 'C8:F7:42:83:XX:XX'
  timeout: 15
  type: rm_mini
  retry: 2

Just FYI,
fortunately I’ve bought the second and the third device from Amazon and Iìve just changed it with other two devices, and with the configuration of the first post all works fine.

It was not a configuration problem but two incompatible devices. I really don’t know but they have different MAC ADDRESS family, so I think there are some different on the chipset or something similar.

Hi Jason, I’m trying to add another 2 Broadlink RM3 mini’s to my ~2 year old original. What error did you get when trying to learn with the new device? I simply get: (nothing useful)

2020-01-06 10:24:55 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.broadlink] Failed to connect to device

I will try your solution of simply learning with the original device and transmitting with the new ones and see how goes…

@sparkydave I got nothing at all either, just tumbleweeds of nothingness . Learning from the original unit worked perfectly.

Is there any trick with those things? I got one, paired it with my phone but I just get a blue flashing light all the time. If I open app on phone it says not connected then it will connect but it seems useless to me…

@DavidFW1960 Set it up with the broadlink app on your phone. After that I don’t touch it. Get the MAC and IP of the device from your router, use this config.

Don’t use the app/your phone for anything other than the initial set up. Learn codes in HA.


- platform: broadlink
  mac: '78:0f:77:00:XX:XX'
  timeout: 15
  type: rm_mini
  retry: 2

@DavidFW1960 and by what Jason is saying you only need to use the app to link the device to your wifi. Thats the only setup required outside of HA

I have just confirmed that transmitting works fine on the second broadlink device as per @kanga_who 's post after learning the codes on my first device.

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