Hello, I will preface this by saying I am not a Linux expert. I can fight my way around with some guidance but when a tutorial doesn’t go exactly as planned it’s off to Google… but I haven’t found much for this one.
I am using VMware on my home server to run HA (and other things). I have an Aeotec ZWave USB stick passed through to the HA VM. It is seen as /dev/ttyACM0 so I believe that part is OK.
HA is installed on Debian 8.5.0 x64 in a virtualenv via the guide on the site. It autostarts (with the guide on the site’s help) and that works fine. I also setup openzwave (from within the virtualenv) with the guide but it does not work.
16-09-03 08:12:26 homeassistant.components.zwave: You are missing required dependency Python Open Z-Wave. Please follow instructions at: https://home-assistant.io/components/zwave/
That directory seems to contain all the right openzwave stuff?
admin@debian:/$ ls ./python-openzwave/openzwave/config/
2gig domitech frostdale manufacturer_specific.xml qees vision
act dragontech ge manufacturer_specific.xsd qubino vitrum
Any help is appreciated, plan B is to buy a RPi and just use the All In One installer. I would really prefer to keep it in my VM environment both for backup/snapshot ability and to not have one more piece of hardware.
I started on a Windows machine but ended up going to the RPi and I never looked back. Everything is sooooo much easier. And with the AIO installer, you end up with a perfect install of HASS and OpenZwave Control Panel and it just works.
I don’t know enough about Deb on a VM container to help, but I’m sure someone here can help you.
But my honest opinion is that I think you’ll be a lot happier on a Pi.
From that path, it looks like you built PyOZW but missed the make install step. First, try specifying the full (not relative) config_path. If that doesn’t work, make install PyOZW then point config_path at the full path to the installed config folder. e.g. mine is /home/hass/home-assistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/libopenzwave-0.3.1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/config.