Help with percentage history


I have a gauge set up to show me the % of my electricity that occured during off-peak times:

    - name: "Imports Octopus Off Peak Percentage"
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      state: >
        {{ (states('sensor.octo_go_import_offpeak')|float 
         (states('sensor.octo_go_import_peak')|float + states('sensor.octo_go_import_offpeak')|float)
          * 100) | round(2) | float

The gauge populates just fine, but the history view is not a line graph like other gauges:

What am I missing please?


If you have only just added the unit_of_measurement, the graph will not update until the window of history gets rid of the old non-unit-ed records.

Almost certainly unrelated, but your float filters should have default values: states(...)|float(0) for example, but be careful with using 0 on denominator values.

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Ah, didn’t know about the window of history. Will check back tomorrow!

If you click “show more” from where you took your screenshot, you can constrain the graph to a shorter window, which should confirm that it will display as a line once the old values are shunted left.

Yep, got it! Thanks

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