Help with presence based automation

I created this automation that turns on the lights when anyone arrives home, then turns them off when we’ve been home after about 10 minutes. this is all based on an input select and an automation that creates a state of “Just Arrived”, then changes to “Home” after a configured time. the issue i can’t wrap my brain around is how to deal when people arrive between those two states. For example, if i arrive, ny sensor goes to “Just Arrived” and the lights come on. 9 minutes later the wife arrives, but since my sensor switches to “Home”, the lights will turn off as she gets home. trying to figure a way to reset that countdown if someone arrives between the times, but i am not sure i can do it in one automation. here is the current one i am using:

alias: LOCATION - Arriving Home Outside Lights
description: ''
  - platform: state
    to: Just Arrived
    id: arrival
      - input_select.status_sebastian
      - input_select.status_ida
  - platform: state
      - input_select.status_ida
      - input_select.status_sebastian
    id: home
    to: Home
    from: Just Arrived
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sun.sun
    attribute: elevation
    below: '-3'
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: arrival
          - condition: state
            entity_id: light.outside_lights
            state: 'off'
          - service: light.turn_on
            data: {}
              entity_id: light.outside_lights
          - service: input_boolean.turn_on
            data: {}
              entity_id: input_boolean.automated_outside_lights
          - service: notify.haapp_sebs_devices
              message: Someone Arriving Home, turning lights on outside
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: home
          - condition: state
            state: 'on'
            entity_id: light.outside_lights
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_boolean.automated_outside_lights
            state: 'on'
          - service: light.turn_off
            data: {}
                - light.outside_lights
          - service: input_boolean.turn_off
            data: {}
              entity_id: input_boolean.automated_outside_lights
          - service: notify.haapp_sebs_devices
              message: >-
                Turning outside lights off
    default: []
mode: single

I’d add a condition to the home block that neither select is Just Arrived.

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simple and elegant, i like it! i was going down some complex template rabbit hole. glad i asked!

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