I try to use the python script integration and followed the instructions available at
I also added python_script: in my config. The service python_script.reload is available but my scripts (e.g. the hello_world service from the example) are not present in HomeAssistant for whatever reason.
The stuff seems to be pretty straight forward, but it does not work. Does anyone have suggestion what I may have done wrong or can change to make it work?
I am running HomeAssistant version 2021.2.1 on Home Assistant OS 5.10
Thank you man.
This was one of the cases where you are not able to see the forest for the trees. I thought I did everything right. But in this case I used a windows machine and the SMB share to edit the files. Normally I am using a Linux system to do everything. As u can imaging I am not very used to the behaviors of Windows and totally forgot, that in the standard configuration Windows hides file extensions. So I thought I had a file named hello_world.py but actually it was named hello_world.py.txt. D’oh. Really stupid mistake I made here. Sorry for the inconveniences.
Just want to mention that I lost about 1hour just to realize that my folder was called python-scripts instead of python_scripts.
So yeah, maybe this will help someone else.