Help with Raspberry PI GPIO PIR sensor and HA states on dashboard

I have a PIR sensor working on my raspberry pi, i can see the pin get a signal every time it detects motion using weboipi, so that part is working

Now for HA i have this in my configuration.yaml file I have

#RPI GPIO prox
  - platform: rpi_gpio
      12: PIR Office

This shows up on my dashboard as PIR office and in an ON state all the time, I would like to use this to turn on a led on the board when it detects motion.

I cannot figure out how to get the status on the dash to flip from on to off or vice versa with this sensor ?

There is nothing in the logs from when it should be changing states, however it does work when I change it from the dev options in HA

Any pointers on where to look to figure this out?


make sure you are using the correct GPIO pin.

HA uses BCM pin# not GPIO or Pin#.
If you run GPIO readall you will get pinout and see BCM naming

If GPIO Binary sensor is setup correctly you will immediately see state changes in frontend.
there are no errors showing in logs correct?

Oh I see! thanks I will give that a try

and yes there are no errors in the logs at all