I am struggling with the learning curve with monitoring / configuring my AC unit using its RESTful interface. Having spent some time sniffing the traffic between the vendors phone app and their web API, I now understand how to interpret the AC’s status and how to change settings. I would now like to add some state information to HA and then add some controls. However, I am stuck on the best approach for doing so.
I have created a RESTful sensor:
- platform: rest
name: InnovaAC
resource: http://cloud/api/v/1/status
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: HomeAssistantRESTsensor
value_template: '{{ value_json.value }}'
If I then put this: “{{ states.sensor.innovaac.attributes }}” into the HA template editor, I can see the following returned:
{'RESULT': {'sp': 23, 'wm': 1, 'ps': 0, 'fs': 0, 'fr': 0, 'cm': 0, 'a': [], 't': 24, 'cp': 0, 'of': 0, 'nm': 0, 'ns': 0, 'ncc': 232, 'ccv': 1, 'uptime': 147380, 'majorVersion': 1, 'minorVersion': 0, 'buildVersion': 36, 'heatingDisabled': 0, 'coolingDisabled': 0, 'hotelMode': 0, 'kl': 0, 'heatingResistance': 0}, 'friendly_name': 'InnovaAC'}
What I need to figure out is how to capture some of these values. For example, ‘sp’ is the temperature set point. But I can’t get this data point.
Once that (hopefully) simple element is working, I then need to take a value like ‘cm’ and if it is 0 have a state of “Manual” and if 1 have “Scheduling”. ‘wm’ has 6 different possible values.
Any and all pointers gratefully received at this point!
The full returned JSON from the call is: