Help with RTL_433 using 2 USB Dongles for 433 and 915mhz

Im trying to listen to 433mhz for door sensors and 915mhz for my water meter, but i’m getting stuck on how to configure this.

I’m trying to setup 2 USB RTL dongles in HA, I have the 2 deferent dongles serials changed to different numbers. Now where and what do I put to get this to work? I see the RTL_433.conf is that where I put the config? and what do I put there?

Do you have MQTT set up?
You can use 1 dongle to do both bands. Here’s my conf:

ppm_error 18
output json
output mqtt://,user=mqttuser,pass=pass,retain=0,events=rtl_433[/model][/id]
report_meta time:utc
hop_interval 60
frequency 915M
frequency 433.92M
frequency 915M
frequency 915M

Ya I have mqtt setup, but my 433 stuff is door sensors so I want to make sure that is always on.

Makes sense. In that case, I think you can run 2 instances of RTL_433 Have the MQTT settings in the conf file, and specify the frequency and ppm correction (if needed) on the command line.

I had two dongles running for a while. I was using the RTL_433 add-on. To get it to work, I had to fork the add-on and install both the original and the fork. Then you can configure each one to use a different .conf file.